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The Cheese Sandwich controversy


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This not only makes me angry but the idea is absurd. There are other ways of singling out those who simply refuse to pay for their child's lunch. There are so many fucking things wrong with this. I honestly just want to walk up to the ignorant asshole who came up with this idea and puch them in the face. Then, maybe, explain to them the err of their ways.



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  Hal be back... said:
I'm probably the most coldhearted person on here and I think it is wrong to single out the kids like this. I say they just kick the parents in the groin every day if they don't pay.


Well I am the worst on here and I see nothing wrong with it. If you can't pay you starve should be something people understand like people have understood for thousands of years.

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  ImUrOBGYN said:
This not only makes me angry but the idea is absurd. There are other ways of singling out those who simply refuse to pay for their child's lunch. There are so many fucking things wrong with this. I honestly just want to walk up to the ignorant asshole who came up with this idea and puch them in the face. Then, maybe, explain to them the err of their ways.




There's a simple solution to this:


Travel to new Mexico and personally pay for the children's meals.

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I don't understand the problem. On the weekends lunch for me is grilled cheese and an apple and water. Sometimes I switch it up and eat an orange. When I feel dangerous I eat 2 grilled sandwiches with 3 (OMG) cheese pieces instead of 2.
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OMG they are getting grilled cheese? From the story it sounded like a cold cheese and bread sammich which would suck, but still good if your hungry. Still not something to waste tax dollars on though. I'd rather get to keep more of my paycheck:-)
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  Not Brian said:
I wouldn't mind a free sandwich, fruit, and milk every day..


I need to eat better because this is what I thought at first too. "Grilled cheese, a piece of fruit and milk? Sounds good. :)"


But then I


Hmm, not sure how I feel about this.


On the one hand, something needs to be done about parents who want a free ride for their kids. It's not fair to the parents that do pay.


But on the other hand, the punishment shouldn't be given to the kids. It's not their fault.


However, the argument about singling out kids is invalid. When I was in public school, kids of families that needed financial assistance for lunch were given tickets to help pay. The tickets were even given out weekly to the kids IN CLASS. I don't see how this would be any more embarrassing for the kids.


Also, if the family is too poor to afford lunch at a public school, I'm sure there would be other outward signs that the kid is poor (i.e. clothes, lack of "cool" gadgets, etc.) I think the lunch is the last thing they need to worry about. (OR, if the lunch is the only thing that sets your kid apart, stop buying him those $200 shoes and use the money to FEED him!)

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When I went to school all the poor kids had a card and got free or reduced meals anyway. I was always jealous because I couldn't get a card and my parents couldn't afoord to buy me school lunches. I got a PB&J sandwich and $.40 to get a milk. Grilled cheese an apple and milk is a step above what I got. Not to mention, between WIC, Welfare, Food Stamps, and any other number of programs for the poor there is no reason that the parents can't provide the kids with a brown bag lunch. I am tired of people getting shit for free and complaining that it is not good enough.
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I think the idea is great. If it is pissing off the non-payers, then it is working.


I am tired of my tax dollars paying for schools. If you choose to breed, you should be required to pay for their schooling...not me. Be responsible for your own fucking kids.

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Well if their parents can't aford school lunches in the first, which probably cost what...MABYE $2.00 a day. Then the kids probably don't eat very well on the weekends so I'm thinking that the Grilled Cheese is a step up from meals at home...
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What the hell? We were poor growing up but my parents still managed to feed us.


These people are crying about a free lunch. Give me a break. I would've ate that shit back in the day and I would've enjoyed it. You have it all wrong the only people you need to punch in the face are the ones bitching about it. When did we become too good for cheese sandwiches?


Now I'm hungry, I'm going to make myself a cheese sandwich!

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I think this is just fine. I remember people in my school simply not eating a lunch if they didnt have money for it. I bet they would have really appreciated ANY kind of hand out. Now that I think about it, at one of the schools I went to, they always had some grilled cheese sandwiches pre-made just in case you forgot your lunch money.
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  Jones said:
I see nothing wrong with this. There is no free ride in life, as always somebody feels it is up to someone else to provide for their family.


***Plus One***


We have gotten TOO POLITICALLY CORRECT as a society. The school provides great food for those who pay, and perfectly acceptable fare even for those who don't.


At least kids are fucking getting something to eat. The parents should stop getting $3.50 cups of coffee and maybe the kid wouldn't be "singled out" in school.


Stupid whiny bitches. :nono:

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youd think those parents could buy some damn cheese and bread at least... c'mon now


i guess it is kind of singling them out, but im sure its all in good heart. i guess theyd be more singled out eating absolutely nothing

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