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My neighbor...


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when i was delivering for donatos at easton, i got off the elevator at the hilton on the penthouse level, as soon as i got out, i could hear some chick getting nailed. walked 1/2 way down the hall, to find out that was the room i was going to. that was an akward exchanging of pizza and a check. its not like she was even trying to be quiet...especially if i can hear you from the elevator and your room is 1/2 way down the hall


Your doing it wrong.

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My neighbor's get pissy sometimes b/c my bed sits against the wall i share with them. Usually if they bang on the wall i just stuff a pillow behind the bed post so it doesnt bang as much and keep going. Hey just b/c im in the moment doesnt mean im not considerate.
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My neighbor's get pissy sometimes b/c my bed sits against the wall i share with them. Usually if they bang on the wall i just stuff a pillow behind the bed post so it doesnt bang as much and keep going. Hey just b/c im in the moment doesnt mean im not considerate.


You shake the bed that much when you fap? :p

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