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workers comp


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I find out yesterday that the company I am working for, may fire me. I am on workers comp now. I had both (left and right knee) ACL's repaired Dec. 10th. It had been said since the begining, that I might be off for a total of 6 months. I injured my right knee at work in Jan of 08. Since we are much busier in the warmer months I told the company I would hold the surgery off until Dec. I only did this to help the company, to find time to cover my absence, and have plenty of time to plan for the known time off.


The surgery went well and I am recovering well. Giving the time frame I am in, I am where I should be in recovery. I went to a "independant" workers comp Dr. he says I am seeing him prematurely and I need more therepy. My Dr. also says the same.


I have disclosed all the info I have received the same day with my employer. In my last visit to the Dr. I was told it will be two more months before I see him again. This means two more months being off of work. My employer has no light duty available to me. In the begining they had said they want a full recovery anyhow.


My employer now says they are "looking at options" hiring a replacement full or part time, sending someone from another location, termination is also an "option".


Is it possible to be fired while on workers comp?


This may be early, but I want to "look at my options" as well.


Does anyone have expirence with this or know someone who does?

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Do you have a work comp attorney?


The law is gray in this area. They cant fire you because you had an injury, but they can let you go because you cant do the job. If I were you I would get a work comp attorney fast. Let me know if you need someone, I have a couple that I work with all the time that are very good.

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same kind of position my g/fs dad is in. he f'ed up his shoulder, and been out of work for 2 years now. last year, they sent him a letter saying they did layoffs and he was one of the ones included. his attorney called them, did/said some shit, and they sent him a letter a few days later basically taking back what they said in the first letter.
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Not yet, Things were going smoothly I had thought. I will contact one Monday morning.


Hit this guy up. I send a lot of people to him.


Joe Fraley

2176A CityGate Drive

Columbus, OH 43219


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6 months for an ACL??? come on man. i used to give people 6 months off competitive cutting sports, but let them go back to work in half that time--even for revision ACL's. are you a pro soccer player by profession??
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I find out yesterday that the company I am working for, may fire me. I am on workers comp now. I had both (left and right knee) ACL's repaired Dec. 10th. It had been said since the begining, that I might be off for a total of 6 months. I injured my right knee at work in Jan of 08. Since we are much busier in the warmer months I told the company I would hold the surgery off until Dec. I only did this to help the company, to find time to cover my absence, and have plenty of time to plan for the known time off.


The surgery went well and I am recovering well. Giving the time frame I am in, I am where I should be in recovery. I went to a "independant" workers comp Dr. he says I am seeing him prematurely and I need more therepy. My Dr. also says the same.


I have disclosed all the info I have received the same day with my employer. In my last visit to the Dr. I was told it will be two more months before I see him again. This means two more months being off of work. My employer has no light duty available to me. In the begining they had said they want a full recovery anyhow.


My employer now says they are "looking at options" hiring a replacement full or part time, sending someone from another location, termination is also an "option".


Is it possible to be fired while on workers comp?


This may be early, but I want to "look at my options" as well.


Does anyone have expirence with this or know someone who does?

what company do you work for. good luck man

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6 months for an ACL??? come on man. i used to give people 6 months off competitive cutting sports, but let them go back to work in half that time--even for revision ACL's. are you a pro soccer player by profession??


I had bi-lateral, both done, at the same time. My left IS a revision.... I've been off 10 weeks. My Dr. said I MAY be off 6 months.


so 10 weeks is still short of half of 6 months.

thanks for the helpful info kirk.

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if you're motivated, you'll be back to work in much less than 6 months. i'm wondering aloud who the surgeon was who took on bilateral ACL reconstructions, one being a revision. i wouldn't have done that, but oh well. good luck with the recovery--hope your job doesn't try to screw you over.
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same kind of position my g/fs dad is in. he f'ed up his shoulder, and been out of work for 2 years now. last year, they sent him a letter saying they did layoffs and he was one of the ones included. his attorney called them, did/said some shit, and they sent him a letter a few days later basically taking back what they said in the first letter.


Wait he's been getting worker's comp for 2 years, and is exempt from layoffs due even when it has nothing to do with an injury but with the companies inability to give people work...sounds like BS to me

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Actually the company can let you go for no reason, and if I owned the business that is what I would do. At-Will employment means you have no contract.


On your side however, if you were injured at work, you need to get a lawyer.

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I was injured at work.... the 1st injury i had was almost 2 years ago.... that healed... I injured the other knee at work....since we were busy I put the surgery off to help the company have time to figure someting out, which was agreed upon by both parties.... I re-injured the left leg again before the surgery for to the workers comp injury.... had both done to get back to work as quickly as possible...


I fail at knees.....

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getting released to sedintary duty for monday the 16th.... the bitch is we don't have any available here in Columbus.... I think that they will offer me work at the Indy location... and if I cant take it then what?
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getting released to sedintary duty for monday the 16th.... the bitch is we don't have any available here in Columbus.... I think that they will offer me work at the Indy location... and if I cant take it then what?


They will probably say take this or walk. They did that to all the Accountants at Arbys.

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This is crazy... I've now been on the phone with everyone but my employer... I cant get anyone to answer... I've heard they cant offer out of state work, unless I traveled before the injury, which I did not... They can give me as few hours as they want but I get compensation from wage loss with BWC......


I'm going to the gym...

then I need to work on those laser beams :)

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your post that you quoted said that you got hurt playing volleyball at Flanagans... are you a pro volleyball player?


Exactly. Just cuz' you were injured at work 2 years ago doesn't mean you WERE INJURED AT WORK. You fucking linked us all to a thread where you blew your knee out playing drunken volleyball.


Don't ask questions if you only want to hear one answer.


Hire a lawyer if it doesn't go your way.



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ok details details details.......... here ya go fuck tards..... I injured my LEFT leg at Flannagans almost two years ago..... I injured my RIGHT leg at WORK last Jan08..... So workers comp on RIGHT LEG..... I re-injured the LEFT (july 08) leg after I had torn the right.... I had both done at the same time to get back to work faster, which the company agreed to....

I know its alot to understand....

read it again... maybe you slow fucks will catch on....


I would never have gotten workers comp if I wasnt injured at work... thats not the issue here

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