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Yeah, hopefully .gov spend their money on more important things, like astronomy promoting in Hawaii, grape genetics and manure management.


All of which benefit some Americans some where. The above is "HEY LOOK, we made a really expensive thing that allows soldiers to do things that they're already doing!"


Do you really want manuer to go unmanaged? :p

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All of which benefit some Americans some where. The above is "HEY LOOK, we made a really expensive thing that allows soldiers to do things that they're already doing!"


Do you really want manuer to go unmanaged? :p


Last I checked, the average soldier could not sustain run speeds for longer periods of time as well as carrying that much weight on their back for longer periods of time. But hey, you can look all you want for reasons to bash military funding.

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Last I checked, the average soldier could not sustain run speeds for longer periods of time as well as carrying that much weight on their back for longer periods of time. But hey, you can look all you want for reasons to bash military funding.

When was the last time you checked? Go ask said soldier if he'd want to drag that heap into the feild with him. I'll bash any military funding that isn't practical, because practical is tactical. Take the cash from that crap and put it toward armor. Hell, use it to develop lighter equipment. Gels that stop bullets and shrapnel = cool. "Exo skeletons" that require power, software, maintenence, at the cost of flxibility and silent movement... not so much. If you want them to cover flat trail at 10mph (because you know their 7-10mph estimate was based on level ground), give them an ultra light mountian bike and a quarter the price.


Four pounds of lithium polymer batteries will run the exoskeleton for an hour walking at 3mph, according to Lockheed. Speed marching at up to 7mph reduces this somewhat; a battery-draining "burst" at 10mph is the maximum speed.

Gee sounds great. If there's one thing I know better thanmost, it's how to cover terrain on foot. Unless you're out of shape, this device does not allow you to do that better.

It's a loader. Give it to the guys working the docks, or to soldiers who have to lug around anti-materiel weapons for short distances.

Teh tech is quite awsome, but it's wasted on the exo skeleton. Build a bigger biped frame with more power (longer life), armor it and equip an arm with a 30mm gun. Much more usefull. :)

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When was the last time you checked? Go ask said soldier if he'd want to drag that heap into the feild with him. I'll bash any military funding that isn't practical, because practical is tactical. Take the cash from that crap and put it toward armor. Hell, use it to develop lighter equipment. Gels that stop bullets and shrapnel = cool. "Exo skeletons" that require power, software, maintenence, at the cost of flxibility and silent movement... not so much. If you want them to cover flat trail at 10mph (because you know their 7-10mph estimate was based on level ground), give them an ultra light mountian bike and a quarter the price.

I would not drop that piece in the field as it sits. It's called development. Great armor and field equipment doesn't just happen. It's through field-testing and engineering evolution that practical equipment is made. The exoskeleton here could possibly advance robotic warfare equipment in the future or may help the non-frontline military jobs like assisting in building bases. Hell, it could even spread to consumer and contractor jobs here in the states. Don't be so quick to judge something because it's against your agenda.

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Don't be so quick to judge something because it's against your agenda.

My agenda? What agenda? I've got freinds and family in the sand, and I pay taxes. My "agenda" is to not waste money on silly "hood ornament" shit like this and the MOAB. Money should be spent on practical combat solutions that benefit the soldiers in the feild. The HULC does not fit that description, thus I hope that our tax dollars are not going into it. The video is clearly a sales pitch by lockheed martin, so I'm hoping that means that they've spent their own money, and are trying for a return. That also means that they consider the development to be done.


Hell, it could even spread to consumer and contractor jobs here in the states.
That's actually where it began. It's been in development for almost a decade (some folk are actually familiar with the subject, beyond what was in that video), and was concived to help the sick and elderly get around. IIRC they're even experimenting with nursing home staff and nurses, to help them lift patients. Hell, it might even be a nifty first aid thing to keep int he back of the hummer, to help the injured get to da choppah. That is the where this tech belongs, not in the sand/mud/snow/woods/saltwater being lugged around by guys that are getting shot at.
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He didn't fly, pick-up heavy objects, run faster, jump really far/high, not bullet proof didn't stop a projectile coming towards him or fire missiles out of him and the most important things like, fly, run faster, lift heavy things, fire missiles jump really far high and by bullet proof.


Maybe a tip-toe in that direction?

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