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What the hell happened....?


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So... you may notice a few things have changed recently. No, you didn't wake up in the Twilight Zone. After a VERY long run, Columbus Racing shutdown their website. With thousands of members and over a million posts, I couldn't just let it die. I was a part of Columbus Racing from the beginning, and Ohio Riders was born out of Columbus Racing. @excell graciously dumped the entire Columbus Racing website in my lap and I imported it into Ohio Riders. But wait... why was I redirected to https://ohmo.co? WTF is that? Well, it just didn't seem right having a shit ton of historical automotive chat on a motorcycle focused website. I decided to start Ohio Motorsports Group (OMG, I know, hilarious, right!?). ohmo.co is the short URL for https://ohiomotorsportsgroup.com. Either URL will work. Any bookmarks to ohioriders.net should automatically redirect to the correct page here. 

Does this mean we're not a motorcycle forum anymore? Well duh. We're all things engine/motor... gas, electric, diesel, E85, etc. Cars, motorcycles, boats, tractors, go-carts, it doesn't matter. If it goes vroom, it belongs. 

Want some more good news? Good. Stay tuned. More awesome stuff coming soon. 

Hate this whole idea and want to complain? PM @Tonik and bitch away. 

For the folks coming from Columbus Racing... if you have any issues (such as those listed below) open a support ticket here: https://ohioriders.net/support/

- Can't login (try your email address)
- Bunch of numbers after your username. This means an account with the same username already exists but with a different email address. This could be you if you had an account on Ohio Riders. 
- Any other problems with your account, posts, whatever from the conversion. 

That all said, I have a bunch more to do but wanted to get the site opened up for y'all. Enjoy, and stay safe. 

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8 minutes ago, Nickey4271647545519 said:

Well this is glorious! Now I just need my other account deleted and my username reset to Nickey427. If someone can make that happen? Or if they can be merged?

Read that first post again… lol

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This is some fucking bullshit and I want my money back.

I'm already seeing names I don't recognize and I hate them already. I expect to see a bunch of whiny cage driving bitches fuck up this whole place.

Is Tonik in charge of everything now? I want to complain to the head guy in charge not some minion.

Can I be a moderator of this new shit?  

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7 minutes ago, Uncle Punk said:

This is some fucking bullshit and I want my money back.

I'm already seeing names I don't recognize and I hate them already. I expect to see a bunch of whiny cage driving bitches fuck up this whole place.

Is Tonik in charge of everything now? I want to complain to the head guy in charge not some minion.

Can I be a moderator of this new shit?  

That’s pretty much the exact response I expected from you. 😘

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14 minutes ago, Uncle Punk said:

Fonzie stepped down? I thought he was fired! Last thing I remember he gave me my name as Black Tod, changed my avatar then disappeared. 

I didn’t fire him. I don’t think. Pretty sure he left to follow the whole fornicating with sheep thing. DTC4LYFE

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