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Near Miss Asteroid yesterday


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Guest 614Streets

"Happy Ending to Near CollisionMar 3rd, 2009 - 07:25:26


I got so excited by this asteriod coming so close that I nearly creamed myself! I spent that night imagining it flying by as I achieved just such an effect :D


Honestly, nothing gets me harder then a near earth asteriod collision. I had to change the bedsheets this morning! That should tell you how much fun I had ;)




Now thats jovial :lol:

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Heard about it on the radio, whoever is supposed to watch for this crap failed.


Nope, they have been tracking it for a long time. People are too busy reporting on missing NFL players, murders from 2001, and how the latest trillion dollars is being wasted to care about a country the size of Spain getting leveled.

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i swear this has been watched for a while, and I also thought that this same comet was supposed to come close again and that they would know if it would strike the earth by what its orbit was this time around
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Its possible that NBC's source was wrong. Amatures and Pros scan the skies 24/7 for asteroids. Its possible that some will slip by but as they get close they get much easier to spot and most get spotted at the distance of Jupiter. Its gravitational effect causes lots of asteroids to change their orbits and start either heading towards a collision with it or the sun eventually. On occasion our planet gets in the way which kinda sucks.


Basically the way asteroids are located is photos are taken of the same area night after night and then overlaid to detect the movement of an object. If something is found to be moving they zero in on it, plot its course, and determine if its an already known object.

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