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The 2009 CR Vehicle Draft

El Karacho1647545492

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Obviously stolen from kissing suzy kolber but this is one of their drafts that I think will go over well here. First off, the rules:


You can pick one vehicle at a time.

You can't pick the same kind of vehicle as someone else (If I choose Air Force One, all other 747s are out of the question)

Once you pick you have to wait 5 posts before picking again.

Realism is not a factor.

Post a picture if you can.

Keep a note of who you picked...this is more of a competition of who can assemble the most badass garage inhumanly possible.


With the first pick in the 2009 CR Vehicle Draft, I choose




Also I'm gonna get some plywood and board up that stupid fucking exhaust vent...or at least put a kink in it or something.



edit: inb4kennysays "Delorean from BTTF so I can go back in time and kill you before you made this thread"

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I pick a fleet of Stratotankers and 1 Lockheed SR-71. They are the fastest and highest flying plane in the world (on record). If flying it is anything like playing the ace combat series I will rain death from above to all of my enemies. Praise the almighty jeebus!



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