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More hype = more let down.


Austin has taken away the hype. Now that we think the movie is horrible there is a greater chance of us enjoying it. Lowered expecations FTW!

Is that the line you give to your wife before sexing her!? Oh' snap! :D;)

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I liked it! from what i hear it hit the novel on the nose from the action scenes and to the story. Rorschach is crazy! i liked the movie cause it went were no hero movie would go. From what i understand none of the comic book series heroes went dark until watchmen. So if you thinks its your usual superhero saved the world not harm people your gonna like it i think. And the 3 hours didnt seem bad if you were in to it which i was
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I liked it! from what i hear it hit the novel on the nose from the action scenes and to the story. Rorschach is crazy! i liked the movie cause it went were no hero movie would go. From what i understand none of the comic book series heroes went dark until watchmen. So if you thinks its your usual superhero saved the world not harm people your gonna like it i think. And the 3 hours didnt seem bad if you were in to it which i was


Is that the line you give to your G/F before sexing her? Oh snap!... Wait, I'm not sure that makes any sense. :(:D

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If you have not read the book or do not like to think don't bother. They did a great job keeping it close to the original.


The reviews are dead wrong and show how people really like things dumbed down for them now, very sad.

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If you have not read the book or do not like to think don't bother. They did a great job keeping it close to the original.


The reviews are dead wrong and show how people really like things dumbed down for them now, very sad.


Yes, it is definitely a thinking movie. If you are only intelligent enough to comprehend explosions and flying tanks, then this is not your movie.

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Saw it Friday evening - and really liked it. I've yet to read the novel, and still might after the movie (read: novel prices) settles.


I think that there was a little too much hype for a film that the general "tanks blowing up, cheesy love story, etc" movie-going audience probably didn't need. I think some people were expecting X-Men uncut with a touch of 300.


Any time a story from a rather lengthy book, graphic novel, series, etc. is taken to film, there is always the issue of excessive source material being fit into one (sometimes more) story that the audience can swallow in a sitting. I think anything shorter than the 2h 45m or whatever, would have been too little time.


Almost everyone I went with was disappointed, for some reason or another. During the movie two guys walked out mid-way through and said, "this movie sucks." I guess it's not for everyone.

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To anyone who didnt' read the graphic novel: you should've. I understand that you don't want to do homework before you see a movie, but you really are just wasting money if you don't. Don't even bother seeing it. You'll either be completely lost, or you'll be leaning over and asking your friends who did read what's going on.


Also, yes, there is way too much blue penis. I thought Zach Snyder might have the decency to at least make Osterman wear a sock over it or something. Guess not.


The movie itself was awesome IMO. It held very true to the comics and despite everyone ranting about it being too long, I found that there was enough violence and asskicking to keep me entertained. Oh yea, and Jackie Earle Haley made for the most fucking awesome Rorschach I could've imagined. He was about 50x more badass than in the comics.

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Rorshach made the movie what it was for me. Which isn't that great. Seemed to me the focused to much on the parts of the movie that annoyed me. Like blue man and blue penis.


Definitly way to much hype. I liked the ending actually but the time it took to get there killed it for me.

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To anyone who didnt' read the graphic novel: you should've. I understand that you don't want to do homework before you see a movie, but you really are just wasting money if you don't. Don't even bother seeing it. You'll either be completely lost, or you'll be leaning over and asking your friends who did read what's going on.


Never read the book, knew none of the story going into the movie, and never felt lost.


More superheroes need to be Rorschach.

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