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Aspirin vs. Mary Jane

Guest mitsumodder

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Guest mitsumodder

When Bayer introduced aspirin in 1899, cannabis was America’s number one painkiller. Until marijuana prohibition began in 1937, the US Pharmacopoeia listed cannabis as the primary medicine for over 100 diseases. Cannabis was such an effective analgesic that the American Medical Association (AMA) argued against prohibition on behalf of medical progress. Since the herb is extremely potent and essentially non-toxic, the AMA considered it a potential wonder drug.


Instead, the invention of aspirin gave birth to the modern pharmaceutical industry and Americans switched away from cannabis in the name of “progress.” But was it really progress? There can be no doubt that aspirin has a long history as the drug of choice for the self-treatment of migraines, arthritis, and other chronic pain. It is cheap and effective. But is it as safe as cannabis?




Marijuana has been used for over 5,000 years.

No one has ever overdosed on marijuana.

Aspirin has been used for 108 years.

Approximately 500 people die every year by taking aspirin

The Law:


Marijuana is a Schedule 1 drug, meaning the US government believes it is extremely dangerous, highly addictive, and of no medical value.

Aspirin is available for pennies and can be purchased by children at any drug, grocery, or convenience store. Often they are just handed out free by people with no medical education.

Marijuana side effects and dangers:


The dangers of marijuana include possible respiratory problems caused by the deposition of burnt plant material on the lungs. This danger can be eliminated with alternate forms of consumption such as eating or vaporizing the medicine.

For two to four hours, marijuana causes short-term memory loss, a slight reduction in reaction time, and a reduction in cognitive ability. (It makes you stupid for a little while.)These conditions DO NOT persist after the herb wears off.









Creative Impulse




Aspirin side effects and dangers:


When taken with alcohol, aspirin can cause stomach bleeding.

Reye Syndrome in children: fat begins to develop around the liver and other organs of the child, eventually putting severe pressure on the brain. Death is common within a few days.

People with hemophilia can die.

People with hyperthyroidism suffer elevated T4 levels.

Stomach problems include dyspepsia, heartburn, upset stomach, stomach ulcers with gross bleeding, and internal bleeding leading to anemia.

Dizziness, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, vertigo, vision disturbances, and headaches.

Heavy sweating

Irreversible liver damage

Inflamation and gradual destruction of the kidneys

Nausea and vomiting

Abdominal pain



Dyspepsia: a gnawing or burning stomach pain accompanied by bloating, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and burping.

Tachypnea: Abnormally fast breathing

Respiratory Alkalosis: a condition where the amount of carbon dioxide found in the blood drops to a level below normal range brought on by abnormally fast breathing.

Cerebral Edema: Water accumulates on the brain. Symptoms include headaches, decreased level of consciousness, loss of eyesight, hallucinations, psychotic behavior, memory loss and coma. If left untreated, it can lead to death.

Hallucinations, confusion, and seizure.

Prolonged bleeding after operations or post-trauma for up to 10 days after last aspirin.

Aspirin can interact with some other drugs, such as diabetes medication. Aspirin changes the way the body handles these drugs and can lead to a drug overdose and death.

If you think that cannabis is actually safer than aspirin, you are not alone. In October 2000, Dr. Leslie Iversen of the Oxford University Department of Pharmacology said the same thing.


In her book, ‘The Science of Marijuana,’ Dr. Iversen presents the scientific evidence that cannabis is, by-and-large, a safe drug. Dr. Iversen found cannabis had “an impressive record” when compared to tobacco, alcohol, or even aspirin.


“Tetrahydrocannabinol is a very safe drug,” she said. “Even such apparently innocuous medicines as aspirin and related steroidal anti-inflammatory compunds are not safe.”


So if safety is your concern, cannabis is clearly a much better choice than aspirin. If you eat it or vaporize it, it just might be the safest painkiller the world has ever known.

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Although marijuana is not associated with the acute physical addiction experienced by users of drugs like crack and methamphetamine, prolonged use is linked to serious physical and psychological consequences. Many of the lasting effects of extensive use are not fully understood, but long-term exposure to marijuana has been linked to increased social, mental, and physical problems, as well as decreased quality of life.

Physical symptoms that have appeared in some heavy users include appetite disruption, restlessness, and shaky hands. Psychological symptoms appear to be more severe, with many long-time users discovering that the drug interferes with employment, education, relationships, hygiene, health, nutrition, and financial responsibility.


Recent studies have also correlated marijuana use with increased accidents rates, absences from school and work, workers’ compensation claims, and job turnover.




Individuals who use marijuana over a long period of time usually suffer respiratory damage. One reason for this is the way that the drug is usually used.

Marijuana smokers typically inhale deeply and attempt to hold the unfiltered smoke in their lungs for as long as possible. This prolongs the smoke’s direct contact with the lungs, increasing exposure to toxins and, over time, ravaging the delicate lung tissue.

In addition, marijuana is known to contain some of the same chemicals as tobacco (many in greater concentrations than in tobacco), which have been linked to emphysema and cancer. Regular pot smokers often develop the same respiratory symptoms as cigarette smokers, including a persistent cough, excess phlegm, and more frequent chest colds and lung infections.




Marijuana can also cause cardiovascular problems. Immediate effects of use include elevated heart rate and decreased blood pressure. Over time, users may develop chronic low blood pressure.

Since marijuana also impairs the delivery of oxygen to the body (by binding to hemoglobin in the same manner as tobacco smoke), it can promote breathlessness and increase the risk of heart attack.




Prolonged use of marijuana has also been correlated with certain symptoms of mental illness, but it is not yet understood whether use of the drug actually causes mental disorders, as it is difficult to disentangle effects of use from other factors which may predispose an individual to mental problems.


Individuals who suffer from schizophrenia have shown increased psychosis (disturbed perceptions and thoughts) after using marijuana. In addition, marijuana use often coincides with symptoms of anxiety and depression, including suicidal ideation. However, a cause-effect relationship between marijuana and these symptoms has not been established.

Some anxious and depressed individuals may choose to use marijuana for its reputed ability to calm and mellow the user – though, ironically, many frequent marijuana users experience paranoia and panic.




Some short- and long-term marijuana users have experienced impaired attention, memory problems, and diminished learning capacity. For young people, these effects can have especially serious consequences – as chemicals found in marijuana can interfere with the formation of memories and the ability to retain knowledge.


In addition, some frequent users display what is called “amotivational syndrome” or “burnout,” which is characterized by a general apathy toward life events. After prolonged use, heavy users often appear dull, distracted, and lethargic – and some can even become unaware of their surroundings. Burned-out users may also suffer from poor coordination, decreased sex drive, diminished interpersonal skills, and poor judgment.


Young users may suffer long-term consequences after a relatively short-term experience with marijuana. Academic delinquency, involvement with law enforcement, and substance-related car accidents represent some of the serious threats to the personal, social, and physical development of young people who use marijuana.


Also didn't see it mentioning anything about aspirin being able to prevent heart attacks.

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There are always going to be side effects to everything in this world, just as everything has it's own pros and cons.


A lot of this research can vary depending on the quality of the marijuana that is being used and the method of which it is being taken into the body.


Smoking from dry pipes, or joints is going to have a harsher effect on the body than smoking out of a water pipe which helps to take some carcinogens out of the smoke.


Smoking from a water pipe is much worse than using a vaporizer which practically takes all carcinogens out of the smoke.


There will even be a difference depending on what you use to light/ burn marijuana.


Using a lighter for 50 years is going to be much more harmful than if you are using hemp or a soldering iron (or anything not containing harmful chemicals).

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How does what I do make you so emotional that you would call me a stupid fucking pothead...


Are you that bored.


I happen to be a productive member of society, own a house, several cars, make over 80k. I guess simply put I'm just a stupid fucking pothead...


Gotcha. Go adopt a puppy or something...

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How does what I do make you so emotional that you would call me a stupid fucking pothead...


Are you that bored.


I happen to be a productive member of society, own a house, several cars, make over 80k. I guess simply put I'm just a stupid fucking pothead...


Gotcha. Go adopt a puppy or something...


Nothing that you have listed proves that you aren't a "stupid fucking pothead", it just proves that you can afford your habit.


BTW, you don't make enough $$ to drive a Cougar, come back when you make more.

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Nothing that you have listed proves that you aren't a "stupid fucking pothead", it just proves that you can afford your habit.


BTW, you don't make enough $$ to drive a Cougar, come back when you make more.


That's true, I haven't proved a thing. I'd rather not even bother trying.


Do you and I'll do me...

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medical potential aside, if the government grew it, sold it, and taxed it, it would bring in a TON of money. Not to mention reduce drug lord violence over at the Mexican border..


Yeah, but thats not even good enough. We need to fight to keep all these crazy potheads off the street.


2 liquor stores and a dime store got knocked over around these parts. They say the culprits were found smoking some of that Northern Cali. trainwreck.


Every1 git ur guns ready were comin for ya...

Edited by Snowflake
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Marijuana has been used for over 5,000 years.

No one has ever overdosed on marijuana.

Aspirin has been used for 108 years.

Approximately 500 people die every year by taking aspirin


It makes me laugh when the pro-marijuana people start using statistics like these in an attempt to validate their arguments.


Hey, marijuana has been used for over 5000 years! OMG! Well, gee, I guess that must make it safe for usage, right? Hmm, what else has been used for 5,000 years? I know: stoning people to death. Yeah, that's been around a really long time, like definitely over 5,000 years. Okay, I guess we can automatically add that to your retarded list of "Things That Must Be Safe Because They Are Old."


No one has ever overdosed on marijuana? Awesome. Guess what else no one has ever overdosed on: LSD. Yup, true story, it's essentially impossible to overdose on LSD. So, I guess that makes LSD safe for usage, right? Fuck no it doesn't, you stupid hippie.


No one has ever overdosed on marijuana, but plenty of people have died or been seriously injured or seriously injured other people as a result of their intoxication on marijuana. But I suppose that doesn't really count, does it? Wait, yes, to people with functioning brains it kind of does count.


For the record, here's my stance: marijuana should be legalized, and that has nothing to do with my desire to indulge in using marijuana. People who share this view should stop posting stupid propoganda shit that hurts more than helps that cause.

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and yet another post that the pot heads are trying to prove how great pot is...




meh, I wouldn't say it's great. I enjoy it in the privacy of my own home. I'm not one to go out and flaunt my pot smoking about in public, letting every one else know that I smoke. Those are the people that annoy me, with that whole 420 gayness.





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meh, I wouldn't say it's great. I enjoy it in the privacy of my own home. I'm not one to go out and flaunt my pot smoking about in public, letting every one else know that I smoke. Those are the people that annoy me, with that whole 420 gayness.






I agree with the whole not publicizing that you smoke. I think that shit is lame and even back when I did smoke quite a bit I never celebrated 4:20, and I always told my buddys how stupid I thought they were for doing it.


I would still smoke pot if my job didnt drug test but, unfortunately that is not the case. Interesting article.

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