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Oh hai guyz, vote for me pleez?


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There are two ways I can respond to this. The first is to say that I've only pulled out the "I have a bigger IQ/paycheck/whatever than you" post three times to my recollection: with Coltboostin way back when, with Rick just yesterday, and apparently in the incident you're referencing with your friend, which I vaguely recall. At the time, I felt Coltboostin deserved that kind of post, and I've already explained why I think Rick definitely deserved that kind of post. Thus, I can only surmise that, at the time, your friend also deserved the same kind of post. Therefore, one way for me to respond to is say that it's too bad that I flamed your buddy, but I have to believe he had it coming, so tell him to get the sand out of his vagina, and you can follow suit.


The second way for me to respond is to say that I apologize for hurting your friend's feelings, that maybe I got carried away and should have realized he was only joking.


You pick the response you feel is most appropriate and I'll go with it. Fair enough?


Lol, you didn't hurt his feelings, but he more-or-less pondered the kind of crowd that fills the CR forums. It just seems to me that you felt very sensitive when someone brings up salary base and life accomplishments. I see how you may bring it up in this thread, but the other two; why did you feel it warranted to bring it up?


Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for someone who can achieve collegiately, and who aspires to further their career and achievements. I get a lot of crap for the double-major that I'm pursuing at Ohio State, so I get where you're coming from. However, I feel that a Psych degree and adjunct would have made your e-persona come off a little more humble, even in the face of assault.

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This thread took quite the turn.


How can you back Rick when the obvious intentions of this thread in the first place was to start shit? He asked for it....


Nothing is funny or playful that comes out of Rick's mouth (hands?) so we know that wasn't the intention. Jealousy is a bitch not even a graph can illustrate.

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I've never not laughed extremely hard when Tilley pulls that card. To this day I still smile a little inside when I think of him telling Coltboostin to work an extra shift at the pool and hustle a little harder.


Fuck, just typing that made me laugh.

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on a side note, i took a piss in the pool today while i was swimming with my girls. i let everyone at the pool know they were down the food chain from me since they were swimming in my pisswater. then, i realized one of my daughters had shit in her swim diaper, and there were about 100 other kids in the pool (most likely) pissing.
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wow ive meet rick many times at his meets and out in public, i never thought id see this out of him..... i think gearhead if i recall said it might be right, maybe there are other issues and cr is spot to let them out.... hope rick atleast says sorry to lady about the c comment.....thta among other comments were not called for but its first to apologize in my book
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wow ive meet rick many times at his meets and out in public, i never thought id see this out of him..... i think gearhead if i recall said it might be right, maybe there are other issues and cr is spot to let them out.... hope rick atleast says sorry to lady about the c comment.....thta among other comments were not called for but its first to apologize in my book


Rick can't apologize. He is always right and everything he says is warranted. Watch....

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This thread is awesome....


Though you should watch out for this John Bravo character, you know how those pyschologists are... always trying to mind fuck people... I think i feel his pyschological penis rubbing my cranium as we speak.... it feels kinda kinky.....

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I can have MENSA fax you my shit -- yeah, that organization where you have to have a genius fucking IQ to get in.


Come on, dont glorify MENSA, I took the admission test and qualified when I was 19 :lol:

(took my first IQ test when I was 8~9 (136))




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Guest tbutera2112

wow tilley....tsk tsk


He wasnt understanding to a family emergency that I had to go home for. There was a test that monday and I wasnt able to retake it. While he let someone whos boyfriend broke up with her retake a test.


lol jk

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FYI, I have no idea what that person is saying about me not allowing him/her to retake a test. If anything, I have a reputation for being a little too "soft" on students, insofar as I will accept just about any excuse to make up an exam, regardless of how outlandish or retarded it is. In fact, in about eight years of teaching there, I can recall only once where I didn't allow a student to make up an exam, and that was when the student didn't attend the class one single time during the entire semester (and didn't take the three exams that were given during that time) and then showed up wanting to take the final exam and all of the other three exams they had missed. Anything less than that I let slide.
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Guest tbutera2112
FYI, I have no idea what that person is saying about me not allowing him/her to retake a test. If anything, I have a reputation for being a little too "soft" on students, insofar as I will accept just about any excuse to make up an exam, regardless of how outlandish or retarded it is. In fact, in about eight years of teaching there, I can recall only once where I didn't allow a student to make up an exam, and that was when the student didn't attend the class one single time during the entire semester (and didn't take the three exams that were given during that time) and then showed up wanting to take the final exam and all of the other three exams they had missed. Anything less than that I let slide.


:bangbang: i was just fucking with you lol

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Guest tbutera2112
Yeah, I know - I just felt compelled to share. :)


i know why you really wanted to become an actor....youre a smart guy.... you wanted to quit your teaching job so you can bang all your former students who want a piece of the good doc

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