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Richart chevy sold...


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not all of your info is correct. up untill this year we have been making money. they are also in that building for the next 15 months to see if its going to be worth it to keep a body shop at all.


Just going off what I've been told from a person at GM who would know. I'm sure it won't take that long to figure out if a body shop can cover a $60,000 a month lease. Ricart Chevy is a separate entity so filing BK won't affect any of the other franchises. They had discussed doing that since last year but decided to put the franchise on the market. I'm sure there is plenty of room at the MM for them to move the body shop to if they keep it at all. You're going to see more GM dealerships change hands before the summer is over.

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fred ricart didn't even know the sale was going on, this was news to him as well. rhett is the only one that knew. had this been in the work for the last year they wouldn't have put the money into the shop that they did in the last 9 months. unless you were there for all of this then you can't say for sure just because someone told you.
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