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I want you guys to notice something here...

The only guy in that vid who had any idea what he was doing with a big-game rifle was the last guy in the vid, and he wasn't firing a T-Rex...notice the different bolt? .700 Nitro Express, a bit less powerful than the T-Rex, but a far better round simply for the fact that IF you miss, you can take a second shot because you're not on your ass. I've fired a .700 break-action, though, and that thing knocked all 300lbs of me back about three and a half steps and left me bruised from nipple to elbow...

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I hope I'm not the only one that was yelling at the kid to keep his fingers away from the trigger while he was waving the gun around like an idiot. Hopefully that experience keeps him away from guns for the rest of his life.

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I hope I'm not the only one that was yelling at the kid to keep his fingers away from the trigger while he was waving the gun around like an idiot. Hopefully that experience keeps him away from guns for the rest of his life.


Ya I was sayin the same thing that was crazy.... quit waving that damn thing around.

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ROFL im sold i want that rifle. Could you imagine landing a shot with that gun... to anything! Now i might be a gun noob but how much more pwerful do you think that gun is compared to a .50 cal?

Depends on what distance you're talking about. At the muzzle, the T-Rex is more powerful, but at a couple thousand yards downrange, the .50BMG is going to have far more hitting power left.

T-Rex=big game at short range

.50BMG=armored targets at medium to long range.

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