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My critique of "Duplicity"

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A few nights ago some of my co-workers convinced me to go to the movies with them. I was hoping we would go see "I Love You, Man" but they decided to see some flick called "Duplicity." It has Julia Roberts and some guy and a bunch of other douchebags nobody cares about.


It's about these two spies (Julia Roberts and the guy, I think he was British or something, don't really remember) that fall in love but at the same time they don't trust each other but are trying to steal the formula for a product that makes bald people re-grow hair, and there's other shit dealing with the plot but it doesn't matter so I won't bother mentioning it. To summarize, this movie totally sucks ass, DO NOT I repeat DO NOT go see it.


It's one of those stupid fucking movies where the time randomly jumps around, it'll be like "5 years later" then shit will happen, then it'll be like "2 months before that" and so on. Basically you don't know what the fuck is going on, but when you finally get an idea of what's happening towards the end of the movie, you are still confused and at that point it's too late and you don't give a fuck anyway because the movie is so fucking terrible. It's one of those things where they want you to be like "whats going on, that doesn't make sense, I'm confused" and then at the end you're supposed to be like "ohh i get it now, it all makes sense now, sweet" but it's not like that at all. In reality it's more like "WTF, I'm lost, thats fucking gay" followed later by "OK i kind of get it now, but that's still fucking gay and this movie makes me want to kill myself."


After the movie was over, I wanted to ask them for a refund and for the previous two hours of my life back that were wasted on this garbage. Never again will I watch this piece of shit film. It was seriously the worst movie I've seen since "Juno" and that's pretty bad.

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Yeah man it was torture. I never saw any previews or anything so I had no idea what I was getting myself into. My coworkers told me "it's supposed to be like Ocean's Eleven" but turns out they were soooo wrong lol
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