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El Karacho1647545492

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Today I start Brazilian jujitsu training with a friend of mine. I have no experience in jujitsu or any martial arts of any kind, and he's gonna be showing me the ropes of the ground-n-pound stuff you see UFC guys doing. So, what do you think is gonna happen to me?


A) KO'd, totally black out and wake up facedown in a pool of my own blood

B) Broken face

C) Broken something else

D) Nothing, I'll be fine and actually defend myself to a coherent extent




As always, whoever guesses right gets nothing. Hopefully something fun happens so I can post pics of my already ugly mug with a few new involuntary "mods".



See y'all fuckers after I get beat the fuck up.

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You will start with D on your first day would be my best guess.


After that you will have A - C to look forward to if you are not careful. BJJ is very good to learn but it is more submission based I thought?


I was looking at some Mui Ti myself.

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You will start with D on your first day would be my best guess.


After that you will have A - C to look forward to if you are not careful. BJJ is very good to learn but it is more submission based I thought?


I was looking at some Mui Ti myself.


Its definitely more submission based, as it tends to give the defensive/ground fighter an advantage. I've been watching fights to get mentally ready to try to recognize what he does to me. Most interesting thing I've seen is "the triangle" which looks simply impossible to get out of.


But yeah, we roll in his apartment which has a good amt of space, but lots of fragile shit so we won't be doing any standup stuff. The way he does it with the other guy he rolls with is they start in the guard position and go for 2 or 3 minutes from there.


edit: oh and yeah, Muay Thai is balls to the wall cool. Love watchin the fights, love watchin the Tony Jaa movies.

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After taking Kick Boxing for 4 to 5 years I would have to agree with Wagner. You start off with option D and then after a few days/months, you end up with A - C. The worst is when you walk into something when you see it coming and instantly hit the floor.
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Guest tbutera2112

i dated a girl who was 5 foot tall and weighed like 110lbs and she only had a green belt in BJJ and she could do some painful shit...not to mention she could jump and kick over my head and im 6'1... some wristlocks and shit were bad too.... youre gonna get fuxxed up


she was easy to fight off though because she was small...but if youre having a full grown man doin this shit to you, youre done for lol


hope you learn good!

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she was easy to fight off though because she was small...but if youre having a full grown man doin this shit to you, youre done for lol


Yeah I'm 6'3" 265, he's 5'10" 195. At least he won't be able to pick me up and smash me down if I get him in an arm bar

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Arm bars are not fun trust me! I used to drill with a guy in college when I was geting ready for open wrestling stuff and he would lock those in now and again. Just youtube frank mir's fight against Tim Slyvia and see what happens when arm bars attack.
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armbars FTW. it was always fun in a match when i'd put a tight armbar on my opponent and here him yell or whine lol.


but yea man, watch close encounters with those jujitsu folks. they'll snag you up and next thing you know ur either getting thrown to the ground w/ some type of armbar/choke on you or ur getting caught in a kick to ur head/kidneys. learn fast so when its time for half/full speed grappling you'll have some sense. keep some distance

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A couple of my best friends used to be pretty heavily involved in jiu-jitsu. I hope you're in good shape physically. The conditioning will probably be the hardest part (depending on your instructor of course)
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A couple of my best friends used to be pretty heavily involved in jiu-jitsu. I hope you're in good shape physically. The conditioning will probably be the hardest part (depending on your instructor of course)


yeah I hope your in real good shape before you even try to get into this, if your out of shape your going to look retarted getting winded in less then a minute. When I was in the marines and we had to do hand to hand combat that was all jiu jitsu based traning at the time I was in the best shape of my life being able to do 20 pull ups like nothing and being able to run the 3 mile in under 20 min after being on the ground for a few minutes it takes the best out of anyone. The best thing to do is eat right, and run alot ...

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yeah unfortunately running isn't really an option. i'd need motion control shoes or I get really horrible shin splints (totally collapsed arches) so I'm doing the eating right thing and just trying to do some sustained movement exercises.



anyways, I just got back and I got WORKED but I found something out about myself. I cannot be armbarred. My elbow joints go backwards, so every time they got me in an armbar I'd just stand up and slam them on the ground.

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