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The interview that never was..


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I had an interview set up for a job this morning. 8AM to be exact. So I get up early get showered, shaved, and geared up.


I leave in plenty of time to get there a few minutes early. 5 minutes before I pulled into the place the guys secretary call me and asks if it's ok to post-pone the interview until 9AM. Sure no problem.


Well I get there at 5 till 9 and go in. The guys not there yet. Ok so I waited and waited. At 9:45 I was done waiting. The guy had not shown up yet and the secretary has called him 4 times while I waited and it kept going to voicemail.


I told her to have him call me to set up another interview for tomorrow and we can try again.


I dont know, I just dont know...

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Well that sounds like some bullshit. These damn electrical companies (assuming it was in your field) around here are awefully slow. I got out of the trade completely about 4 years ago, my little brother on the other hand completed his apprenticeship 2 years ago and has been laid off for the last 6 months. Shit sucks. I miss running pipe, and setting switch gear, I really liked doing big commercial buildings. Oh well, if your looking for another job I wish you the best of luck.
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Well that sounds like some bullshit. These damn electrical companies (assuming it was in your field) around here are awefully slow. I got out of the trade completely about 4 years ago, my little brother on the other hand completed his apprenticeship 2 years ago and has been laid off for the last 6 months. Shit sucks. I miss running pipe, and setting switch gear, I really liked doing big commercial buildings. Oh well, if your looking for another job I wish you the best of luck.


Yeah, I wasnt looking to heavy because I just got home from being on the road for over a year, but I saw the add on CL and e-mailed my resume for the hell of it.


As I sit on my comfortable couch I look back on this morning events and I realize after the call to postpone I should of just drove back home and layed it back down.


I'm hungry now and Chipotle needs me...

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We had a discussion in my Career Development class about some companies doing this kind of thing as part of the interview. Maybe you failed?


How would he have failed?


He waited an extra hour + an extra 45 minutes for the fucker. The company failed.

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How would he have failed?


He waited an extra hour + an extra 45 minutes for the fucker. The company failed.




I expect a phone call to reschedule, but I guess you never know. Anythings possible and if I did fail then they can :finger:

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Yeah that sucks I had that happen before. The worst thing that happened to me before was when my car broke down before an interview. I called and told them they said go ahead and come when you can etc. Anyway went through the whole thing and got blew off. I wish they would of just told me not to come.
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Better him late than you.


I completely slept in missing an interview once. Was just out of college, had several lined up and was celebrating with friends and forgot that one of them was the next day early :(


Oh well, fuck it! :bangbang:

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Well, that's good. If it's something you really want, you might as well go. Maybe, with this little incident and you showing how much shit you're willing to put up with, he'll be more inclined to hire you.


On a slightly relevant note, my gf had to fire 5 people yesterday on April Fool's. Good workers, too. That's just fucked up on a couple levels.

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Well, that's good. If it's something you really want, you might as well go. Maybe, with this little incident and you showing how much shit you're willing to put up with, he'll be more inclined to hire you.


On a slightly relevant note, my gf had to fire 5 people yesterday on April Fool's. Good workers, too. That's just fucked up on a couple levels.


My bro-in-law says the same thing except he added the guy probably wants someone that takes shit.


Lots of good people becoming unemployed. I think alot of work is coming up though. I ride around and see alot of building going on.

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