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gravity bleeding brakes....


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Anyone gravity bleed brakes? I finished up a line lock install yesterday and thought I'd give it a try. I gravity bled it from the master to the solenoid. I've always bled brakes the old fashioned way with someone pumping them. I have a little cheap self bleeder but that things a POS and more trouble than it's worth. The pedal feels fine and the test run went fine but I'm wondering about a bubble being in the line and biting me in the ass later. Should I just pull the wheels and have the wife work the pedal and do it the old fashioned way? Not sure if you guys have your wives help you with the car but mine is a bitch to work with. :D
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if you have a good pedal its going to stay good unless you have a leak


if I'm working alone and gravity bleeding doesn't work I have a mightyvac brand hand squeeze vaccuum pump with a little jar that does the trick


I have a real cheap self bleeder. I'd like to get a better one at some point. Pedal is good so I'll see how it goes. I went with an SLP line lock on the f-body.....if I had it to do over again or if I put one on the goat it's going to be an SJM next time around. Not very impressed with the SLP version.

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