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Are you "wow"ing at my grammatical error typing "learn" instead of "learned"? Ooops! I'm human!


....Or that my last video gaming system was PONG?



I've never been interested in gaming of any kind. I have played Rock Band a total of twice, and loved it because I sold my 2 drum sets years ago and its pretty close to the real thing.... in a way.

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Are you "wow"ing at my grammatical error typing "learn" instead of "learned"? Ooops! I'm human!


....Or that my last video gaming system was PONG?



I've never been interested in gaming of any kind. I have played Rock Band a total of twice, and loved it because I sold my 2 drum sets years ago and its pretty close to the real thing.... in a way.


The wow was in reference to the posting of a game thinking it was real. I know they look real but I thought it was pretty obvious. I mean they were talking and saying the same thing in the same tone every time “There’s a guy running” “light em up” “Whoa” and they way they were able to switch between weapons and the fact that who ever was playing saved the game right in the middle of everything and it then said “Game Saved” on the screen…I’m not a gamer either, but I guess to me it was a bit obvious. ;)

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The wow was in reference to the posting of a game thinking it was real. I know they look real but I thought it was pretty obvious. I mean they were talking and saying the same thing in the same tone every time “There’s a guy running” “light em up” “Whoa” and they way they were able to switch between weapons and the fact that who ever was playing saved the game right in the middle of everything and it then said “Game Saved” on the screen…I’m not a gamer either, but I guess to me it was a bit obvious. ;)


Never payed any attention to the audio....usually keep it turned down very low so the wife doesn't know I'm watching porn!!

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Never payed any attention to the audio....usually keep it turned down very low so the wife doesn't know I'm watching porn!!

It's all good mang, just given you a little shit.



Headphones buddy, headphones.


Yeah, but then you can't hear if she's comming up the stairs...

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