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Where to find: Efficient Light Bulbs?


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We are wanting to replace all of the light bulbs in our house w/ the high efficiency ones, even the outdoor flood lights.


Does anyone know where a vloume of them can be purchased at a REASONABLE rate. I have looked at Home Depot and Lowes, and I am SURE better deals can be had.





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walmart again.


we just bought lights for all the lamps we had to get for the new house. i *think* they were around $1.40 each, but i could be wrong. i bought blinds and the g/f bought the lamps/bulbs, so i wasnt watching too closely

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not the cheapest in price, but they carry the best quality.


it's a matter of personal preference, but just like HID lights in cars, the CFL's you put in your house are available in a variety of color temps and quality will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.


I've yet to find a bulb in any retail store that is pleasing in color and offers the lumens that I want. most are either shitty hotel yellow with that typical fluorescent green cast or they are hospital waiting room white with a blue cast that resembles my neighbors Integra with 8000k HID's. Cheap ones also don't fire up as fast.


we switched our entire house over. in the family living areas, bedrooms, bathrooms, I would suggest 3100-3500k. Kitchens (except dining area), laundry rooms, garages or any working area 3500k-4300k works great.


the nice thing about this site/company is they have watts outputs higher than most anywhere....150 to 200 Watt Compact Fluorscent which equals

500/600W Incandescent levels. I have two 85w CFL's in my garage and it lights up the place like the sun is right there.


Good luck on the search.

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