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coyote hunting tips


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That outta do it... ;)

My rifle selection is lacking here:o...my choices are either Ruger 10-.22 (:lol:), .22 mag, 8mm Mauser, or my 1-shot-wonder Mosin. :lol: I could potentially borrow my brother-in-laws .308 or my friend's .22-250. Damn it, I just need to buy a good rifle...:cool:

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I got 2 yesterday.I like to use my HMR .17 ,It will split a yotes wig at a couple hundred yards. Very fun gun and it doesn't scare them away!!

I'm thinking about buying a Savage .17hmr for my dad. Most of our groundhog shots are at 75-150yds. What rifle is your .17?

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Tie a puppy to a tree! :lol:

This is the most redneck thread I've ever seen on here and I love it.

And yes Kosmo, they are edible......as long as you don't mind eating dog. :puke::wtf:

Well dogs are cute and that's why I don't eat them...like we don't eat horse here...but you can have them in Canada.....:beathorse:

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There is a guy near my house that used the biggest treble *sp* hook you can buy, baited with meat and hung from a tree. He was protecting his children, pets and livestock. Anyway he tied the hook just high enough tthat the yoties had to jump for the bait. He said it was the worst thing he'd ever done. Essentially the coyote gets the hook stuck in it's mouth and can't get loose. He said it was the most gawd awful noise ever. Until he shot it.

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I want to go yote hunting soooo bad.. Someone please shoot me a pm if they have a place to do it. A few of the guys I shoot long range with are talking about heading down south this year for a pig hunt. Evidently the one guy has a friend whos farm is overrun with ferrel pigs and we plan on dispatching as many as possible. Im actually heading out to big darby range tomorrow to do some load development with my .308

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Headed down to southern ohio to go coyote hunting for the first time. Our plan as of the moment is to kill a few birds or something for bait, set up in tree stands with 22's most likely, and have an elctronic call going, sit back slam some brews and wait for them to come in. Anyone have better idea's for bait? I also heard turkey calls work great.

Rabbits or chickens work great. Stake them out in an open field and break one leg, then sit in the wood line with rifles and moonshine. (Moonshine is optional, but I recommend you use optics on your rifle if you use the moonshine... Iron sights get blurry for some reason after a bit... ) I like using .223, bit more reach and punch, but still a .22 cal hole... (plus, killing things with my CAR15 makes me smile)

Or, if you want to be more humane, you can kill the animal and use calls, but that is much less effective than actually having the animal move and cry at the same time. Oh, and make sure you are fucking down wind so the filthy mongrels don't catch your scent, they are usually smart enough to avoid humans.

That's how we get it done down on the family farm in S. Ohio... Lots of those big mutant bastards down there eating everything in sight.... Thanks Big Brother, the natural ones were just too easy to get rid of...

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That outta do it... ;)

My rifle selection is lacking here:o...my choices are either Ruger 10-.22 (:lol:), .22 mag, 8mm Mauser, or my 1-shot-wonder Mosin. :lol: I could potentially borrow my brother-in-laws .308 or my friend's .22-250. Damn it, I just need to buy a good rifle...:cool:

Use the .22-250. Fuck the Mosin Nagant... I restore them, but to hell with shooting them, they kick like an angry mule and most are about as accurate as Chinese news reports...

Use the Mouser if you don't care for pelts... Might be fun to watch the yote do a few back flips before landing...

As for .22 not being humane... bullshit. If you can shoot, they work just fine. I will drop a deer in one shot and it won't fucking twitch when I hit it in the eye... The Ruger 10/22 is VERY accurate and reliable, mine has killed more things than cancer... Just don't pull the trigger if you don't have the shot for a clean kill. Better a .22cal in the brain than a 12ga slug in the gut. (you are absolutely correct about having a responsiblity for clean kills and moving lead, though.)

You can't use rifles in Ohio because they are concerned with the weapon's range, though that may be changing soon.... Everyone over compensates for their lack of marksmanship with large caliber weapons, damnit. Gun control means hitting your target, so go put some rounds down range until you are shooting sub-MOA. If you put 3 rounds on paper and I see more than one hole, go sit back down...

Buy an AR-15. Very accurate, easy to maintain, extremely low recoil, shitloads of cool factor and soon to be banned again. (maybe) Plus, it has the finesse to shoot small animals, and the power to easily bring down anything smaller than a water buffalo with good shot placement. Also, you can use it with great effect when Obama sells us to the Chinese or the Russians invade, or whatever your own personal favorite doomsday scenario might be... LOL Oh, and one more positive note for the AR's... ACCESSORIES!!! I can accesorize an AR like a highschool girl with a credit card... Oh, listen to me giggle already...

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Why don't yal just come down to the dayton/cincy area set up your bait on the side of 75 or 675 and just wait. I pass at least 3 fresh roadkills every morning going to work. The lil bastards are everywhere.

You know if we had wild wolves running around we wouldn't have such a huge population of coyotes running around.

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The coyote here in the midwest and east coat are a great deal bigger than the 35lb coyote's out west.

Here's a pic of one I took in my driveway in , Adams , sciota county. This was 2 weeks ago, He's a big boy !!

I sicked my hounds on him, but they had no luck catching him !! hahahah


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I don't wanna shoot them anymore, they are beutifull. I knew the dogs wouldn't catch him. They hunt in relays and wear deer down, but this guy is no dope, he didn't let them flank him, he just kept truckin in the same direction !

i lost a dog to a bear about 10 years ago, and my dogs get into it with boars from time to time.

We had a bear sited right up the road last spring, I'll be out looking for him this year.

They actualy swim the ohio from wv. and stay in shawnee forest for a few months out the year.

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The coyote here in the midwest and east coat are a great deal bigger than the 35lb coyote's out west.

Here's a pic of one I took in my driveway in , Adams , sciota county. This was 2 weeks ago, He's a big boy !!

I sicked my hounds on him, but they had no luck catching him !! hahahah


the deer out west also look like miniture versions of ours here too

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What you said about a 22 long rifle is true enough, if you know what the hell your doing. Most of the boys on this board are city kids and can't judge distances or shots very well. The likely hood of a wounding is too likely and they have no clue about tracking and recovering a wounded animal or outdoor ethics far as that goes. A higher caliber makes up for a lot of things bad or poor hunter do, such as poor range estimation, shot placement and buck fever.

A shot with a 22-250 is a lot flatter and significantly harder hitting for a longer distance than with a 22 long rifle.

As a kid I watched a great uncle shoot deer out of his garden with a 22 from the kitchen window. 20 yards and right behind the ear as I remember and not a twitch.

But that doesn't make it right

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What you said about a 22 long rifle is true enough, if you know what the hell your doing. Most of the boys on this board are city kids and can't judge distances or shots very well. The likely hood of a wounding is too likely and they have no clue about tracking and recovering a wounded animal or outdoor ethics far as that goes. A higher caliber makes up for a lot of things bad or poor hunter do, such as poor range estimation, shot placement and buck fever.

A shot with a 22-250 is a lot flatter and significantly harder hitting for a longer distance than with a 22 long rifle.

As a kid I watched a great uncle shoot deer out of his garden with a 22 from the kitchen window. 20 yards and right behind the ear as I remember and not a twitch.

But that doesn't make it right

I won't disagree on any of your points here, and you are quite correct that larger caliber does help to improve chances of a humane kill in the event of poor shot placement.

Understand though that growing up in my family, and around my friends, my statement that "you had better take three shots and make one single hole" is not bragging, it is expected. We were taught marksmanship as soon as we could walk. (not saying I could hit the target at 2 years old, but I certainly began absorbing the mechanics and safety rules.)

We were also always of the mind that if you can't hit exactly what you aim at, and where you want to hit it, then stay on the range with your paper until you can.

It's not that you are not absolutely correct, it is just that I personally do not have tolerance for poor marksmen or poor hunters. Killing is too easy with a gun, there is never an excuse for being either ignorant or inept if you plan to handle firearms. IMHO, of course...

Were it up to me you could use anything you wanted to hunt deer, but you wouldn't be allowed to do so until you could demonstrate the ability to put a round in it's eye at 50m, every time.

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This is the quote that started this thread.

Headed down to southern ohio to go coyote hunting for the first time. Our plan as of the moment is to kill a few birds or something for bait, set up in tree stands with 22's most likely, and have an elctronic call going, sit back slam some brews and wait for them to come in. Anyone have better idea's for bait? I also heard turkey calls work great.

From the replies there are a few guys on this forum that have experience and know what they are doing.

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