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Worthless Teens Kill Navy SEALs Dog...

Guest Hal

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SEAL or not that guy has more self control than anyone I sure know. I don't know if I would have been able to say the same for myself. I can't even imagine all that hes been through, and the anger, and rage he must have inside him. To not stand there and have a perfect oportunity to pull the trigger and feel some type of relief is a different kind of man in itself. If the rest of this world could be half the man he is, it would be a much better place. My hat is off to him.


I totally agree. For someone with issues to control himself is unfathomable.


Still should've shot them. Kill them all and tell the cops you saw them shoot the dog, then they attempted to enter the house. You felt you were in danger and were defending yourself. Throw in the "war hero" and he would probably get off scot-free.

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^^ yeah what he said. I honestly hope these fucks get out soon, get the brilliant idea to go fuck with the SEAL, he shoots them in the stupid fucking faces. Rids the planet of their worthless lives. We dont need people like this in our world. I think this guy has a book, if its the right guy, i read it a while back and still one of the best books i have ever read.


Yes, he wrote Lone Survivor which tells the story about what happened on that terrible day.

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I totally agree. For someone with issues to control himself is unfathomable.


Still should've shot them. Kill them all and tell the cops you saw them shoot the dog, then they attempted to enter the house. You felt you were in danger and were defending yourself. Throw in the "war hero" and he would probably get off scot-free.

Agreed on all accounts.

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That fucking sucks. I already know I wouldn't have that self control. In HS, I watched a guy purposely swerve to hit my overdue (pregnant) Border Collie. I held her while she died. It was a dirt road, so I immediately hopped on my 3 wheeler and chased the guy with a rifle. I would've shot him if I'd caught him before the highway. There was no doubt in my mind.


Little more info that on that story now that it's been drudged up from my memory. Same guy went to prison for shooting a man with a crossbow a few miles from my house a week later. This same guy got out of fuckin prison 3 or 4 yrs later. Found out he was related to some people my family had a feud with for years in a nearby town. I found and pounded the man like it was my fuckin job starting a decent size brawl between the two families. Local police did nothing. (Small town and some more background I won't get into here.)

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The amount of restraint that he showed would be hard to imagine. I hope that man waits for those kids when they get out.


I could not do it that is absolutely amazing that he did not drop each one of them.

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You know, I believe Texas law still allows lethal force in defense of livestock...

I wouldn't worry about the sentence. Dog-killers are one step above child molesters in the pecking order. And when they get out, they ain't gonna be able to stay within a hundred miles, maybe not even within the state, for the shit that the Rangers and LEOs will heap on their asses.

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That fucking sucks. I already know I wouldn't have that self control. In HS, I watched a guy purposely swerve to hit my overdue (pregnant) Border Collie. I held her while she died. It was a dirt road, so I immediately hopped on my 3 wheeler and chased the guy with a rifle. I would've shot him if I'd caught him before the highway. There was no doubt in my mind.


Little more info that on that story now that it's been drudged up from my memory. Same guy went to prison for shooting a man with a crossbow a few miles from my house a week later. This same guy got out of fuckin prison 3 or 4 yrs later. Found out he was related to some people my family had a feud with for years in a nearby town. I found and pounded the man like it was my fuckin job starting a decent size brawl between the two families. Local police did nothing. (Small town and some more background I won't get into here.)

I hope you enjoyed it, raining blow upon blow unto him. I actually get a gut-wrenching feeling when I read about animal cruelty, especially dogs. :(

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