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Zombie quiz


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70% chance. I need more food and weapons. Shouldn't be too hard as there's a Walmart about a mile away. They also didn't take into account my dogs. They'd save me from at least one situation before dying or becoming infected. Actually, I'd probably end up dying saving them.
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68% I think the running, lack of food, and where I live killed it for me.


Where would the best place to go if you were in a zombie attack outside? I chose Walmart, they have plenty of food and usually have some sort of ammo. Plus tons of things to build explosives.

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68% I think the running, lack of food, and where I live killed it for me.


Where would the best place to go if you were in a zombie attack outside? I chose Walmart, they have plenty of food and usually have some sort of ammo. Plus tons of things to build explosives.


Walmart's a horrible idea because EVERYBODY will go there. You can survive the first few days of the attack, shacked up by yourself until you can devise a game plan.

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Not bad considering where i live. I thought wally world would be a good place to go but austin's right too many people will have the same idea thus will make it unsafe and theres no way you'd be able to fortify it to keep the zombie's out. (Dawn of the Dead anyone?)

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Walmart's a horrible idea because EVERYBODY will go there. You can survive the first few days of the attack, shacked up by yourself until you can devise a game plan.


Good idea. I figured the zombies might get most people before you they would have thought to go to Walmart.

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88% here. I've already devised a plan of mobility too. Diesel truck + armor + homemade biodiesel = win. I need to get a few more guns though.


Living in Granville you are going to have slow zombies. (Old people ftw).


Oh btw when you start heading out remember I am over by the college way up on a big hill. Newark Zombie Defense Force.

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78% for me. And I pratice head shots everytime I am at the range. So I consider that very good practice. And yes I can build explosives. I grew up in the country where your neighbors didn't care or were right there with you. LOL
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