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Any econ majors able to help me out?


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I am having trouble figuring out my econ homework. It involves constrained optimization. The concepts and example problems are cake, however the homework problems are confusing me.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I found that their is a tutor room for econ. I asked my professor and he had no idea if there is such a service offered...................what a joke.


Looks like I will be going there tomorrow morning. Thanks guys.


I took econ 200 and 201 about 5 years ago..............I hate econ.

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I just finished a class on this. What is your question? Or just post up the HW problem.


I can actually be helpful on this matter so no graph needed. :)


Aaron, I just wrapped up some 500 level econs, whats the specific questions?


Thanks for the offer guys. I went to the tutor room today and got this homework done, but I am sure I will have other questions.


I have another homework due on Tuesday (21st) so I might PM you guys with some questions. Thanks again.

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