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Ugh idiots some times...


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Got this in a help desk ticket at work.


Ref No:3116 Title: KEY BOARD


Author: Anne ******** REQUEST SERVICE

Time: 4/14/2009 3:08:54 PM


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So i'm walking downstairs to the department that had requested this and as i'm walking down the requester is walking up with the key board in hand.


So as im talking with her i will say this she is so pissed off its not funny shes like i keep hitting the shift button and it wont stop! she said shes been typing like this for over an hour and half.


anyways I get back to her desk and I plug the keyboard in low and behold its still doing it!


shes tells me its never done this to her and her keyboard must be defective. I look at her and tell her turn off the caps lock and her issue will be 100% fixed. she just looked at me and said you got to be kidding me and just turned away from me. ZING!!!!


If this is amazing to you here is a help ticket i got yesterday.


"Author: Gina ***** REQUEST SERVICE

Time: 4/14/2009 8:14:26 AM


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Could someone please install the BK coupon printer on my computer so I can print the coupon they sent me to upsize my BK value meal to a large fry and large drink.


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Luckily I don't have to deal with a ticketing system where I work, but I do receive phone calls. At least a couple times a week, a supervisor will call me stating that a computer at one of the tables is not working. I walk up to the computer and hit the power button. I look at them and tell them to turn the damn thing on before calling me next time. Sometimes I think they enjoy tormenting me.
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It is amazing how people with zero computer skills get jobs where they need to use a computer.


Props to you for putting up with a job like that. I could never do it.


It's sad really. My BOSS will call me and ask how to do something in excell or how to sort something in his email or just other random crap. I'm not a computer guy. I use them at work, and at home for Forums the internetz and that's about it. But things are so idiot proof these days you can teach yourself pretty much everything you need to know if you just take the time and think!

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You just need to realize that people are lost and scared by the big box on their desk. It gives them money and causes them problems.


Fix it, be sarcastic, move on. I worked helpdesk at Huntington and you haven't lived until you have gotten an 80 year old lady in Nitro WVa to replace her own keyboard.

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