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He can make those assumptions about time becasue many of the elements that we are made of and that contribute to our existence come from other galaxies and parts of the universe far from this one. There is a cosmic dust surrounding us that isn't from here and it's assumed it comes the collapses of stars.


The problem with this, is assuming that certain galaxies and pockets of space contain elements that are scarce in others. Assuming the Big Bang Theory to be correct, the initial disbursement in that fragile first split second, of all of the elements, radiation and inflation would make one assume that anything created then would be traceable to all parts of the universe via the wonderful idea of diffusion.


However, new elements could have been created due to galaxy collisions, supernovae explosions and basic space drift over billions of years. I think this only proves more, though, how rare life on earth really is.


I wouldn't doubt that there isn't complex life out there. It's just that the often used Drake formula is tossed around in assumption that everything in the known universe is constant, free of anomalies.

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I find it interesting to ponder, because it makes me appreciate my existence even more. Not that I need any reminders, because my life rocks and I know it. However, for all the shit that we bring upon ourselves unnecessarily, and all the strife and depression...murdering and suicide...in this world, I would think that meditating on this deep stuff might make us realize how precious life (whatever you want to call it) really is.


Plus, it's just cool. I have faith in God, but I can't ignore science and astronomy. Nor would I because I love it. The new stuff we're learning about every week, month, year is amazing...

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this stuff always fascinates me. i sometimes sit there and think, "is there an edge of 'space', and if so, whats past that!?"


its something i could see myself working on for the rest of my life, but im WAY to lazy for that. haha!

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Yea let those science type figure that all out, Ill just sit back, tip a couple back, work out the wife, then sit in front of the tv in a bean bag chair, naked, eating cheetos and watch pbs or something :) But seriously, it is extremely hard not to wonder what is out there, is there a parellel universe out there. Is there another time dimension, another you, another me!! still UMMMM WOW!!!
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what was space before the "big bang"? I wish I could wrap my mind around it, it just isn't fathomable



Theoretically, a spec. Researching the 10 Dimensions gives "one" possible explanation, but never really defines where the first spec (Dimension 0) originated.


"is there an edge of 'space', and if so, whats past that!?"

Supposedly, space is infinite. So no. However, its hard for our brains to comprehend such sizes and numbers without us having some sort of benchmark to go from, our brains equate using limits, hence an "edge of space" idea.
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