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Amazing space pictures

Chad is Dead

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After seeing that I have no doubt there is other life forms. There could be tons of planets just like earth with people on them just like us. Either way They are too far away for us to even think to come in contact with. I mean if it takes light 13billion years to get there we would be dead before we made it there plus we dont have the technology to travel that speed yet alone the distance.
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There is little doubt in my mind that life as we know it exists on other planets somewhere out there. However, "life" is a broad term. I'm talking at least just simple bacteria. Intelligent life, on a level such as human beings, I'm not so sure. But at the very least, there's something out there that we would consider "life". Heck, they are still trying to find evidence that some sort of life existed on Mars and they might do it within our lifetimes... :nod:
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