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Blu-Ray to VHS


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I'm going to download a blu ray version movie and would like to know if you can burn it to vhs for watching in my extra bedroom. If you can, please burn a copy of Bride Wars to vhs for me. I'd be willing to spend a couple bucks. Thanks.
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most VCRs have a RCA input, if the computer has video out just hook it all up and hit record, don't even need a TV.


If you've ever seen city slickers, they have a big argument on whether the VCR can record without the TV, always cracked me up

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Seriously, VHS??!! The ONLY thing a VCR should be used for anymore is to playback tapes that can't be had in digital format, and recorded to a digital format.


You do know that stand-along DVD burners aren't that expensive anymore, and blank DVD's are cheap. Hell, I see stand-alone Blu-Ray burners becoming popular in about 2 years...the media is dropping in price, and the PC burners have finally become reasonable.

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