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My faggot garage door....


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Well, I opened it and went out. Got in car, hit button...light blinks like there is an obstruction. I press, press, press....cuss. More cuss. I get out and enter code to use external box. Nothing. Now i'm pissed off. I go inside garage, hold down button on wall, door goes down. I exit from door and leave to work pissed now. I get home and realize the left sensor, receiving eye, does not have a light on. I grab the book and it says the door will not function at all if they aren't seeing each other. I figure at this point the wife had to of mucked with it. I don't even bother asking. I grab tape measure..measure 8.*", from ground on sending eye. Go to receiving eye, measure same. I grab a stool and I promise I sat there for 50 minutes trying to find that cock ass beam. NOTHING. The bitch kept screwing with me and blinking from time to time to make me stay longer. At this point, I am ready to rip the motherF'r down, but I drywall'd at fucking wire in, so now what? My damn door won't work. I can't find the invisible beam. My neighbor told me those eyes dont break...they just work. Wht the hell.!!!
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Tape String on one Eye and then to the other eye... position them straight and should make it just a bit easier.... Good Luck... Life goes on



Good idea. Thx


You should open and close your door manually like a real man would.


Now why would I do such a thing

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Just move one of the eyes around, the light will come on when they are aiming at each other.

+1... not that hard to do...


also I noticed that the wire on one of my eyes wiggled loose one time causing this issue as well

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sensor failure, or bad wiring. check both ends of the wire... someone moved some shit around in my garage one day and pulled the wire loose from the sensor
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Just move one of the eyes around, the light will come on when they are aiming at each other.


Or...say fugg it and mount them facing about an inch away from each other on one side of your garage. Unless your house is a rental, and you're worried about getting sued by a tenant when the garage door comes down on their 5-year old...who gives a shit?

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sensor failure, or bad wiring. check both ends of the wire... someone moved some shit around in my garage one day and pulled the wire loose from the sensor


Obviously not.


The light kept coming back on at the point he had them lined up, the going back off when it moved.


Have someone get the light to come on and then duct tape. :p

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Well, I gave it another shot today and same thing. I can not just move them within inches of each other cause I finished my garage and the wires come out of the drywall with just enough slack to move up and down a few inches. I either need to cut the wire on each, run a new wire from the top where it splits then run it either close together or back along the side with new wiring. The thing is I never touch the motherF's..how the hell did it just stop working unless like I said earlier...my wife had to of jimmied with it. She's too sensitive right now for me to blame her, so F these wires and the sensors. I gotta go waste more time on this gypsy shit.


Sam, I have no idea what you said to do.

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Here's the deal, it's sunny lately and the sun is affecting/confusing one of the beams. If it works when you hold the button on the wall down that's likely what's causing it - happens with my parents garage all the time. If you rig up a little shade on the sunny side of the beam it should fix your problem.....


....unless this is happening at night, in the dark, then you're just screwed :).

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