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And what you did didnt allow the people of the board to make the decision. People call this site names all the time, you havent banned them. Hal has openly said he doent like you or the board.. where was your ban stick then??? Stop picking on newbs...


BTW, if this guys does anything worth positive repping I will give him the rep and tell the rest of you to suck a fat one... until then he can sit in the red.




Edit, he's at -17 :eek: Its going to take a lot of work at this point.




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Oh look I am smart enough to sign up on a message board but can't post a quick picture on failbukket or imagefailshack.


Please go here and upload a picture of your car and one of just yourself http://www.imageshack.us It is very important to post a picture of yourself so I can photochop it later on for the lulz.


Your next post better be a picture.

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Hal is untouchable, remember?


I've banned him a few times... you should try it, its almost as much fun as banning Phil ;)


I hate you for taking the high road, I wanted to e-battle!!!!!!!

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Hal is untouchable, remember? What does hal or anyone not liking ME have anything to do with topic? I've not banned anyone because someone doesn't like me. Sucks that clearly he says he says he doesn't like me having never met me. I don't have an opinion on anyone unless I meet them.


To me though if you are a noob and you put down the board in the act of attempting to join, they should be banned. To me this is the topic I am talking about. maybe I am wrong, I saw a couple of post calling for the ban and I agreed.



Worst mod ever.

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