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Land Navigation?

Guest Hal

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I need to start learning and practicing land navigation but, I'm not sure where to start. I know we have Army guys on here and enthusiasts so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.


Where can I get 1:50000 topographical maps?

How can I learn dead reckoning and pace count?

Anywhere to get "Ranger Beads" around here?


Fill me in with whatever info you find important, I know very very little on the subject.

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I need to start learning and practicing land navigation but, I'm not sure where to start. I know we have Army guys on here and enthusiasts so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.


Where can I get 1:50000 topographical maps?

How can I learn dead reckoning and pace count?

Anywhere to get "Ranger Beads" around here?


Fill me in with whatever info you find important, I know very very little on the subject.


Lemme know when you wanna get your nav on @ Camp Lazarus.

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Just put your ear to the ground and listen for hoof beats.



On a more serious not Highbanks used to have a good selection of topigraphical maps and that sort of stuff in one of the ranger stations they might be able to help or point you in the right direction with some of this, just a thought.

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I use the public library for topographic maps. That might be a good place. I also like to get both older and newer maps.


I know this sight has been helpful to me but I dont need topo maps often enough to justify me paying for a membership. http://www.trails.com/



Also here can be helpful. http://www.usgs.gov/pubprod/ for maps http://www.usgs.gov/ for general.


The other stuff I am just not that hardcore just good with maps.


Ranger beads if your cheap http://www.instructables.com/id/Army-Ranger-Beads/

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Forgot to add the FM 3-25.26 is the Army Field manual on land navigation. It's cake once you learn a grid map, to come somewhat close to your position. I'll see what I can find in 2 weeks when I'm at my armory again.



-I can get you the ranger anal beads if you want em, I never used em personally.

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Dead reckoning is normally for water based movements. Still useful on land with some tweaking.


Scotty lets set something up and do a class on this. Only thing is I'm slammed for free time right now. I'll try to squeeze in where/if you plan it. I have all the maritime nav stuff on dead reckoning from the Marines still.


Beads are a gimick. I'd rather use pebbles or just string. I like #'s too much and usually just keep track in my head.


Scott I probably have everything here with the BNCOC course or at home.


Let me know how I can help.

Edited by Mojoe
spelling and add info
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Dead reckoning is normally for water based movements. Still useful on land with some tweaking.


Scotty lets set something up and do a class on this. Only thing is I'm slammed for free time right now. I'll try to squeeze in where/if you plan it. I have all the maritime nav stuff on dead reckoning from the Marines still.


Beads are a gimick. I'd rather use pebbles or just string. I like #'s too much and usually just keep track in my head.


Let me knkow how I can help.


Camp Lazarus up here in Delaware is where all the cadidiots (ROTC) do their land nav course at. Most of the points are already set up, and I'd like to say there's atleast one 7 clicks out. I should be free by the 17th time frame. So maybe towards the end of May I'm golden.


- I can get a topographical map, just don't remember where my lensantic compass is. I'm up for some stomping in the woods.

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I have a few extra sets of ranger beads laying around. I dont use them really though. I pick up pepples or small things and put them in my pocket. If you still need them in three weeks when I get home you can have them, but you sure as hell wont be finding me doing any land nav for a long, long time after I get home.
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Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) off Morse Rd (listed as 2045 Morse Rd. - just east of what was Northland on the south side of the street) has topo maps for most of Ohio on hand. Not too expensive - I picked up a couple for a scout troop trip down to the Zaleski backback trail.
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