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help with HUM111?

Guest tbutera2112

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Guest tbutera2112

ive gotta write 3 papers today, *my teacher gave us 3 papers to write over one weekend...what a cock*, two of them shouldnt be too hard once i get started, but this third one has me stumped...i cant exactly read the shit im supposed to read because i just really dont understand any of it... figure somebody here may have taken this course, or watched the history channel a lot and can maybe help me out...



"From primary sources and your notes on Hellenistic art, explain the relationship between mathematics and beauty. Include in your response the following: ratios, proportion, perfect vs. imperfect, mathematical harmony and optical importance."


i know theres a ratio for how the face should be or something...but i dont know anything about this question...

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Guest Hal

Ouch dude, sucks to be you. Who is your prof?


I don't have any of my old notebooks from my CSCC days or I would be happy to help you. The topic they gave you shouldn't be too difficult assuming you went to the lectures. Knock out the first two papers then get on this one.


Start with your notes to see if you actually took any. From there, read the specific chapter(s) assigned about the topic. You should be able to BS enough to get by with a passing grade on that one.

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Guest tbutera2112
Ouch dude, sucks to be you. Who is your prof?


I don't have any of my old notebooks from my CSCC days or I would be happy to help you. The topic they gave you shouldn't be too difficult assuming you went to the lectures. Knock out the first two papers then get on this one.


Start with your notes to see if you actually took any. From there, read the specific chapter(s) assigned about the topic. You should be able to BS enough to get by with a passing grade on that one.


larry kleinhenz...meanest motherfucker alive, and he brags about being mean and giving too much work...hell the first class period, he talked about different ways he could kill us all and get away with it, he mentioned turning us into dog food for some reason, and he mentioned that if he was a judge and someone killed a 7 yr old kid and cut them up and hid their body in dumpsters all over the city, he would let them off with a j walking ticket plea bargain as long as he got a conviction on his record....hes a mean old drunk who prides himself of being an asshole


he wants 3 3 page formal research papers on all of these...the first two are cake because he gave us the documents that the questions are about...so ive gotta read and interpret them...im working on one of them


i missed one of my lectures to help rob out with moving some stuff, and we only have one arts lecture per week...the rest of the ones i went to were focused a lot of styles of art, like how people stand and stuff, and not so much on the face.. there isnt any chapters assigned that i can read because this stuff was in the arts lectures and the chapters in the book read like history, not much art in it


i may have to try and google it or something if nobody has this stuff fresh to them

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Guest Hal

Well, if it's really going to effect your transcript you might want to drop it. The W is a lot better than a D, E, or even sometimes a C (depending on how many Ws you have).


Are you at CSCC? If you are, please document what that guy has said and when. If you can, get other people in the class to attest to his comments and possible instability. Once you've done that, PM me.

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Guest tbutera2112
Well, if it's really going to effect your transcript you might want to drop it. The W is a lot better than a D, E, or even sometimes a C (depending on how many Ws you have).


Are you at CSCC? If you are, please document what that guy has said and when. If you can, get other people in the class to attest to his comments and possible instability. Once you've done that, PM me.


i dont want to drop it since i had to drop it the first time...ive got all A's and a couple B's so i dont mind taking a D or something just to get it over with...ive dropped 2 classes before, which isnt bad, but at $300 bucks per class i dont really wanna drop this one a second time


and yea im at cscc... and i dont think its worth the hassle...half of my class dropped after the first night, so i have a feeling the people that are left are the ones who dont care...with my schedule i was limited to when i can be in class, and i had no choice but to stay

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Guest Hal

Well, you have my advice but I applaud you for pushing through.


If you want to just type out your own notes of what that guy said, it could work also. I have plenty of connections there, maybe something could be done about him.

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I find it hard to believe that anyone would make comments such as those you have said. One, you would think a professor would have a little more tact about him. Two, why on earth would you not have called him out on saying stuff like that. I would have publically made such a big deal about it right then and there that someone from the university would have been forced to address his remarks.
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Guest tbutera2112
Well, you have my advice but I applaud you for pushing through.


If you want to just type out your own notes of what that guy said, it could work also. I have plenty of connections there, maybe something could be done about him.


thanks for the offer Hal, but i really just want to get the class over with and avoid any unneccesary drama or hassle lol...i only have to deal with him once a week **lecture nights i only see him for a few mins so i dont count those**...i think ive only got a month left


we have a muslim kid in our class who has read the bible and the koran and really knows his shit... my teacher bashes religion the whole time and this kid calls him out on his mistakes and it is quite entertaining

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Guest tbutera2112
I find it hard to believe that anyone would make comments such as those you have said. One, you would think a professor would have a little more tact about him. Two, why on earth would you not have called him out on saying stuff like that. I would have publically made such a big deal about it right then and there that someone from the university would have been forced to address his remarks.


i dont really care if you believe me or not, but thanks for the reply

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Guest Hal
I find it hard to believe that anyone would make comments such as those you have said. One, you would think a professor would have a little more tact about him. Two, why on earth would you not have called him out on saying stuff like that. I would have publically made such a big deal about it right then and there that someone from the university would have been forced to address his remarks.


CSCC is a fucking joke now, I'm not surprised at all. The administration there is filled with fucking retards. They keep saying how it's doing so well yet enrollment is down quite a bit from 10 years ago. They are pushing out well established people with good reps to put in their own idiots. /rant.


One professor burned a flag in the classroom. Weird shit happens.

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Guest tbutera2112
CSCC is a fucking joke now, I'm not surprised at all. The administration there is filled with fucking retards. They keep saying how it's doing so well yet enrollment is down quite a bit from 10 years ago. They are pushing out well established people with good reps to put in their own idiots. /rant.


One professor burned a flag in the classroom. Weird shit happens.


i wouldnt be surprised if it was the same guy...my teacher relates everything to our current gov. and how its warped and twisted...he also relates everything to Christianity and then bashes it...we did a section about how hebrew law was based on the 10 commandments and he gave us this lecture about how moses didnt really talk to god, and that he made his own 10 laws up and that everyone back then was too stupid to realize it etc.... not gonna argue that either way, but shit like that does not belong in a professional environment, unless he is able to show some proof of it

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Guest Hal
i wouldnt be surprised if it was the same guy...my teacher relates everything to our current gov. and how its warped and twisted...he also relates everything to Christianity and then bashes it...we did a section about how hebrew law was based on the 10 commandments and he gave us this lecture about how moses didnt really talk to god, and that he made his own 10 laws up and that everyone back then was too stupid to realize it etc.... not gonna argue that either way, but shit like that does not belong in a professional environment, unless he is able to show some proof of it


Not the same guy, the other is a crazy Poli Sci guy. If you plan to get your associates from there, try to ignore the stupidity from some of these people. If you plan to transfer, do it as soon as you can.

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Guest tbutera2112
Not the same guy, the other is a crazy Poli Sci guy. If you plan to get your associates from there, try to ignore the stupidity from some of these people. If you plan to transfer, do it as soon as you can.


i got the little blue paper with OSU req. on it..im doing the GE stuff i need for osu and then im out

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Guest tbutera2112
Good, OSU is so much better. The scenery is nice this time of year too ;).


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellenistic_art terrible source but, it gives you an idea on the art you need to look at.


thanks hal...and im not worried about sources...im not going to write any sources in my paper, and as long as i dont use direct quotes from anywhere, he cant say anything to me

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Guest Hal
thanks for this link also, but youre about a thousand years too far into the future with this one! lol


Hey, it's been 4 or 5 years since I took humanities lol.


I also didn't read it, I just skimmed the excerpt on Google :p.

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Guest tbutera2112
Hey, it's been 4 or 5 years since I took humanities lol.


I also didn't read it, I just skimmed the excerpt on Google :p.



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Guest tbutera2112
tyler call the shop and talk to dana...she can explain it.


ok ill give her a call in a few once i get ready for that paper...just did one of them and im taking a break lol...my mom should be home from church in a few mins, im gonna try and pawn one of these off on her and then write the last one

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