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Kill the world game


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Virus SD-14 appeared to be nothing more than a cold or weak flu so it was ignored for most of it's initial stages. It wasn't until nearly the entire world was infected before it's more dangerous stages were discovered. By then, the entire population of the world except for Madagascar was infected. It was only a matter of time then. Complete system failure was the penultimate stage of SD-14, striking people down wholesale and effectively stopping any chance for a vaccine.


Now, just under a year after the first case was discovered, the world is a desolate wasteland except for the small country of Madagascar.

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Virus SD-14 appeared to be nothing more than a cold or weak flu so it was ignored for most of it's initial stages. It wasn't until nearly the entire world was infected before it's more dangerous stages were discovered. By then, the entire population of the world except for Madagascar was infected. It was only a matter of time then. Complete system failure was the penultimate stage of SD-14, striking people down wholesale and effectively stopping any chance for a vaccine.


Now, just under a year after the first case was discovered, the world is a desolate wasteland except for the small country of Madagascar.


yea, Madagascar is a whore... the only time i can kill it, is when i start in it, but then i cant get Iceland and Cuba... pisses me off.

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I killed the entire population of earth and I didn't start in Madagascar but only scored like 80k, How the fuck do you score almost 1 million points?



Edited by Benjamin
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I did the Full version not relaxed, and it was over an hour. And I had the fast forrward button all the way to the right as you can see in the pic. I think it was 37x days for the virus to kill everyone, but that's the easy way.
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Heart Failure is in full effect and all the hospitals are shut down...Now I need to infect madagascar.


if their port is closed you cannot infect Madagascar. That is the only way to infect it. It has no borders, like New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, Australia, and Greenland. Madagascar has no Airport. You can only infect countries with boarders, ports and or Airports.

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if their port is closed you cannot infect Madagascar. That is the only way to infect it. It has no borders, like New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, Australia, and Greenland. Madagascar has no Airport. You can only infect countries with boarders, ports and or Airports.


Damn. Im trying again.

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