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Hocking Hillz Spring Drive - May 9th


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  Mike_Shepard said:
Okay kewl should we donate food or cash to cover our plate? Im bringing a guest and her son


It's probably a "handle your own business" kinda thing. Nice meeting you the other night, btw. :)

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  Mike_Shepard said:
Okay kewl should we donate food or cash to cover our plate? Im bringing a guest and her son




the lodge actually has like a buffet thing you can buy. depending on what time of the day it is, it's like around 10 bucks i think. we don't actually have any affliation with the lodge, we just hit up the spot last time we were down there. it was good eats.

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  Mike_Shepard said:
Okay just checking I dont wanna come with no cash and need it. Not to be an ass but we met? Im terrible with names and faces


I suck with names but not with cars. ;) I met a guy (who's an officer and used to be in Dallas) with a Daytona a couple Fridays ago in the Kroger's parking lot. I drive the mkiii Supra in my sig and moved here from Texas. If it wasn't you, then your loss. :D

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Everyone be safe down there. There always seems to be some sort of incident when this many people get together down there....


I went driving down there at 12:00 - 1:00 am last week and it was gorgeous. Worst thing I had to watch for was Deer, didn't see but 1 person the whole time. Way too many tourists & soccer moms with kids pointing at stuff during daylight hours anymore to do decent driving, but I'll still make it out a few times.

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  Mudcrutch said:
Not that anyone was holding their breath for my attendance, but I will have to bow out. I am headed to Indianapolis for Indy 500 qualifying.


Wow! I didn't even know that you were driving this year. Best of luck with your qualifying laps, man.

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  Mike_Shepard said:
Yeah nice meeting you Kaz soon after I was playing with a what looked like Saleen mustang and was pulling on him then noticed a trail of smoke following me then I realized I popped a headgasket :( Dammit to hell hahaha


Mike... were you in your Shelby? Sucks if the head gasket was in that, buddy-oh!!

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  Mike_Shepard said:
Yeah nice meeting you Kaz soon after I was playing with a what looked like Saleen mustang and was pulling on him then noticed a trail of smoke following me then I realized I popped a headgasket :( Dammit to hell hahaha




you too bud! sorry to hear about the head gasket.

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