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Ninja 650R?


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oh that's cool. Have you ridden before? I've had my temps the last two years, but am actually taking the msf course tonight, so i should get my endorsement this weekend...i'm stoked. lmk if you want to get together sometime and practice on it.
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cool, i had never been on anything besides a moped when i was like 12 when I started riding in 07, it took me a few weeks to get more comfortable around town, and then even longer for the hwy, those winds can be brutal. But its fun after you conquer the fear.


are you on ohio-riders.net yet? good group over there, plenty of meets to go to.

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Guest tbutera2112
i signed up, but havent posted yet since i havent started riding yet...selling my toolbox tonight, so ill have a little money to throw at the bike to get it going...so we will see
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