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Who does cable/internet/phone services?


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I had a 2 year contract price guarantee whatever with WOW, but they just raised my monthly rate and I'm pissed.


So I'm just seeing if anyone has some good deals with any provider, only need cable/internet. I had basic cable (like 100channels), and basic internet, and dvr in one room, used to be $57/month after taxes and everything, now they want $76 something.



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just call in and complain. say you are going to leave due to the rate increase. they should give you a credit on your account.


I did that, twice and even talked to a manager once, they all said tough shit, you're getting the best price we can do, I even have a "letter" from there CEO from three months ago stating my rate was good for another year, but they don't give a shit.


$20/month rate increase is crazy imo.

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thats still cheap as fuck!



go pay time warner prices and shitty service then get back to us on that!



cheap sob


ahahahaha, rob i love you. i'm so cheap because i'm surrounded by jews here in bexley....lol, jk to anyone jewish, but honestly, rob, you should meet/watch some of the shit my neighbors do and you'd see.

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I did that, twice and even talked to a manager once, they all said tough shit, you're getting the best price we can do, I even have a "letter" from there CEO from three months ago stating my rate was good for another year, but they don't give a shit.


$20/month rate increase is crazy imo.


you should have mentioned that.


even with the increase you are still paying less than a lot of people. just get used to it :confused:

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you should have mentioned that.


even with the increase you are still paying less than a lot of people. just get used to it :confused:



Yeah, i did, they didn't seem to care. Oh well, i tried, guess it's not a horrible deal, just surprising opening my bill and seeing it $20 higher/month.


I thought someone here worked for Wow, main reason why I started the thread.


but thanks guys, guess its the best i got.

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PM me your address and I will see if I can get you a better deal, but I highly doubt it.


FYI folks...this price is still better than what U-verse and Warner are offering, and I am assuming he has Digital Value + DVR + 2Mbps internet (could have even better than that, I'd have to see the account to know). Warner is offering that package for $84.99 right now (for only 12 months); U-Verse wants $89 (and that's only for 1 TV, and with a slower internet package). And both those prices are BEFORE taxes and any equipment charges they have.

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