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Is CR becoming too Sensitive?


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I know the Kitchen is where women belong, but I didn't realize that if you posted in it, you became a winy bitch! Seriously there have been 3-4 threads in past 2 days about people getting their feelings hurt on CR and being treated unfairly…:nono:


Gregwheel , you’re a shitty salesman and an even worse realtor

SpaceGhost, You take this shit too personal mang, it’s not that big of a deal…. (Don’t Ban Me… :p )

Wanna Play… Well you’re foots hurt so I forgive you.


The worst was that V8 Beast fag! I mean first he wines about being short in one thread then start another to complain about how no one loves him enough to get banned. That’s bush league man come on. I expected better, and your pimp hand is strong… I doubt it. More like your wrist is limp!



P.S. The above comments were meant to poke fun at a situation that I’m sure everyone realizes is completely fucking stupid.

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insert waaaambulance picture here


A derisive word used on someone who is whining too much. Term popularized by Bruce Willis in a movie entitled "The Kid".


Oh, poor Paris Hilton had to do some slammer time. Better call the waaaambulance!

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That offend me and hurts my feelings. I thought we were cool :(


offend you :rolleyes:


you dont have feelings :gtfo:


we are cool, but your still gay

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Some of the mods have a false sense of entitlement. Hopefully the admins will step in at some point and get cr back in control. I didnt know the mods job was to protect our feelings.


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Mod powers are RARELY used on here. I can't remember the last time I gave someone an infraction, or for that matter banned someone. Seems like the only moderation that goes on anymore is V8Beast making a troll thread then feeling troll's remorse and deleting it, or Ben getting into a fight with someone then giving up on it and deleting it, otherwise everyone gets to do just about whatever they want because whenever we try to moderate, someone makes a thread in the kitchen BAWWWWing about how unfair the mods are. Which means either our hands are tied and we can't do any moderating, or we have to become nazi mods so people eventually realize thats just how it is and get used to it. Trying to be somewhere in the middle is what we try, and we get shit on from all directions for it.

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Some of the mods have a false sense of entitlement. Hopefully the admins will step in at some point and get cr back in control. I didnt know the mods job was to protect our feelings.


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Mod powers are RARELY used on here. I can't remember the last time I gave someone an infraction, or for that matter banned someone. Seems like the only moderation that goes on anymore is V8Beast making a troll thread then feeling troll's remorse and deleting it, or Ben getting into a fight with someone then giving up on it and deleting it, otherwise everyone gets to do just about whatever they want because whenever we try to moderate, someone makes a thread in the kitchen BAWWWWing about how unfair the mods are. Which means either our hands are tied and we can't do any moderating, or we have to become nazi mods so people eventually realize thats just how it is and get used to it. Trying to be somewhere in the middle is what we try, and we get shit on from all directions for it.


Why the fucks are you 2 queering up my already questionable thread with this Tom-foolery !?

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Mods are allowed to post shit then if things dont go their way, they delete it. They can fuck with people but as soon as they get fucked with, well deleto. Need proof, how about because you felt someone was busting balls and instead of finding out why someone was asking a question, you ban someone and not only do you ban someone you do it when your about to do something and dont stay to deal with it. who needs a mod to ban someone because they feel someone is getting messed with? There has been a few times when I have been fucked with only because a mod felt challenged and was flexing their epowers only because they have them. If a mod was fair and righteous they would treat everyone the same and if your going to hit one person up for something do the same for everything. I was hit for a sig violation when the rules were changed and nobody said anything but immediatly hit me with a violation. Yet there were plenty of people who had sig violations even in the same thread. So why fuck with one person?
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Even in the car show thread, if I wanted to say fuck the car show why can't I? So its okay for people to shit in threads all day long until someone takes offense with it/

Every thread turns shitty. Okayfrom today on I dont want nobody shitting in any of my threads. Please keep up with all my threads and ban anyone who doesnt agree with what I have to say. No really, I could care less what anyone says in any thread I will ever start. Shit every thread I have up. As long as its getting people to post, thats all that matters. keep my threads at the top. And heres the fucking smilie to let everyone know not to take this too seriously:bangbang:

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I respond to complaints. There was a complaint, so I responded.


The sig limitations have been the same for a couple years now. Are you referring to the post Evolved made, where he was making people sigs that didn't fit the size requirements set by Anthony?


Any of the super mods can undo a thread ban with the click of a button. Had you calmly explained your case I'm sure someone would have been happy to do that. This is why I shouldn't have to stick around after doing something - half the time Chris feels all emo over what I do, and undoes it anyway.


And I actually agree with you on people just deleting threads, shouldn't be done unless it is from someone breaking one of our more serious rules, like not talking about street racing. Otherwise, man up and live with what you have done, or don't start it.

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Jason it's one thing to shit in a normal thread, but to shit in someone's thread that the member is putting hard work into running an EVENT for all the members I feel it is a little different. Granted I agree with you it was Vince that started it, it must suck when you put in hours of work outside of CR for the members of CR and to have a couple of members start raging on your flyer. I don't think that is sensitive, I think that is frustrating. Kinda biting the hand that feeds you. I would question why I am doing all this work too if it was me. It's not like you shit in a pic thread and said someone's car is gay.....
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Why dont you mods sit down and get together on whats right and wrong and stick to it. No more personal opinions. Dont the admins give you guys any directions?


Where in the world anywhere is there black and White Jason? There are always going to be grey areas especially on here and we also talk about our actions sometimes before doing them if we are unsure. You all again cannot see that.


I'll give you an example, I asked today if you have a 500x200 pic in your sig and you also have Kenny's avatar in your sig is that a sig violation? Technically it is but out of respect I have let it go. See the grey area? It's not as easy as you think. If we made it black and white, holy shit the only threads on here would be you all calling us Nazis.


I'm pretty sure I have only not got a bullshit response from a couple of members that I infracted for having a sig pic too big. Clearly they are in the wrong and I still get called a douchebag. Black and White. Click my profile and you can read one in my comments to my profile.....

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Okay why hit one guy for a sig violation and then let someone else go. I was hit for asig violation and there was clearly many many others that were obvious that nobody said anything about. I was hit because the mod wanted to mess with me and took the opportunity. That seems pretty black and white to me.
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I think you have an authority issue, Hell Chris told me not to delete threads as it is more aggressive, I didn't reply "fucking Nazi" I said OK your the boss. Anthony and Chris have mods on here to do this stuff because they don't want to do it, so if you feel it needs to come from them you don't understand why mods exist....
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