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Is CR becoming too Sensitive?


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Jasson I hit sig violations when I see them, I have infracted many people. To say we only infract some people you are not being fair. You can't see when we infract others. They go to the admin section. Hell I infracted sam for a sig violation. Don't even go there about being selective on sig violations. I tried to point out that the most admins break the rule. It's their board I guess. I can't infract Admins. I infracted a new member today.
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Show me a mod who hasnt done something just to fuck with people. Remember I live across from an admin, a super mod, another super mod used to live there, I know Anthony personally, I used to work at the same place as another mod, and a long time member and I have heard stories.
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I was banned from a thread because a mod felt my post was offensive. So I must watch what I say because I never know what mood a mod will be in. All I asked in the thread was what some of the stuff in the cr poster meant. All of which was asked 2 seconds before by vinny. His was even harsher, the only difference was he used a smilie and I didnt therefore my post was taken as criticism. I have yet for anyone to tell me where I was wrong. Read my last post in that thread, how the hell can that be taken as being critical? Its the principal of the situation. A mod as usual came in where he wasnt needed and did whatever he wanted.
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I just infracted Wonderboy for his sig....


I have only "messed" with persons sigs as a joke and it has never been anything to get upset with. Hell most of the time I do it to Brian and he retaliates. It's in fun. I seem to remember someone coming to me about a ferrari pic, and I handled that for you. You need to back the fuck up. You act as if we delete all threads and posts....

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I was banned from a thread because a mod felt my post was offensive. So I must watch what I say because I never know what mood a mod will be in. All I asked in the thread was what some of the stuff in the cr poster meant. All of which was asked 2 seconds before by vinny. His was even harsher, the only difference was he used a smilie and I didnt therefore my post was taken as criticism. I have yet for anyone to tell me where I was wrong. Read my last post in that thread, how the hell can that be taken as being critical? Its the principal of the situation. A mod as usual came in where he wasnt needed and did whatever he wanted.


He said he didn't see that post....

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You were banned from the thread because you are posting every 30 seconds and Mike was cleaning up a thread and is new to deleting posts and needed some extra time, which you are on rapid fire with posts lately. I can't explain it any clearer. It's mikes baby and I agree it should not be shit in. Just get over it, it's no big deal, did you lose money or something?
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I just infracted Wonderboy for his sig....


I have only "messed" with persons sigs as a joke and it has never been anything to get upset with. Hell most of the time I do it to Brian and he retaliates. It's in fun. I seem to remember someone coming to me about a ferrari pic, and I handled that for you. You need to back the fuck up. You act as if we delete all threads and posts....


It is true. I have been hit with the fract-stick. Thanks for bitching, now they're gonna come after all of us. lol. :D

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First time in all the years I have been on cr under this name and my previous one I have ever rapid fire my posts. And I was not rapid firing anything in the car show thread. I asked a question. Where is the rapid firing? Its clear that others feel the same way I do. They say so when you get to talking with them one on one even though the real balls fall off when they get on here and the shit talking ones come on when they log in. I am bored today and thats the only reason for the shit storm of posts. Look at the people who have gotten thousands of posts in a matter of months thats rapid firing.
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First time in all the years I have been on cr under this name and my previous one I have ever rapid fire my posts. And I was not rapid firing anything in the car show thread. I asked a question. Where is the rapid firing? Its clear that others feel the same way I do. They say so when you get to talking with them one on one even though the real balls fall off when they get on here and the shit talking ones come on when they log in. I am bored today and thats the only reason for the shit storm of posts. Look at the people who have gotten thousands of posts in a matter of months thats rapid firing.


Jason, what do you wan to happen, let's get to the bottom so we can move on. So tell me what do you want to happen or occur? What will make you happy?

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What the hell do i care what makes me happy. This is the kitchen and shit gets spoken. If I really wanted anything other than to bitch, I would have just called Anthony and bitched to him until he fixed it or told me to fuck off. I am cool with it. I didnt threaten anyone so you know I'm not really all that pissed.
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