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Thanks for ruining streetracing...


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Boo on the name change. Aparently Cr gives him what he wants too. Nothing personal Cavin, just thought it would be funny. Man it's hard to keep up with all the cars you have owned. Have fun Jamie's GT2 must be a fun ride if you still have that one.
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I've only met Cavin one time and I didn't know who he was at the time, just told him he had a nice car. He said "thanks man" and then I went about my business, seemed like a nice enough guy.


As far as him being a trust-fund kid, meh, I hope to be able provide my kids with the most I can, so whatever.


Hals good people too though, I've met him several times and he's never kicked me in the balls or anything, well ... not yet.


Summation: None.

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Odd, usually that would require some real education. I guess being breastfed by the owner works for that too.


That wouldn't be my title either, you're confused.


And exactly what other wording would I chose for Jake? I don't remember ever having a problem with him.


actually im the ceo of my company and Im a college drop out.;)

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So I just got off the phone with Cavin and this is how the conversation went.


me: I love how your thread to make fun of me turned completely around and everyone is talking shit to you.


Cavin: HAHAHA, you like how I make them all look like idiots. It's not my fault my shit doesn't stink and everyone hates.


Me: What are you doing to?


Cavin: Rocking the GT2 down Polaris, just kidding... We are trying to get the GT2 jump started.


Me: What are you getting into tonight?


Cavin: It's Laura's birthday so we are going downtown, it's been to long since panama and I need to hook up with her again.


Me: You're not going to get laid.


Cavin: yeah because you were jerking off last night with Rosy Palms, HAHAHAHHAHA


Me: Yes Cavin, when you called me at 1:30 last night and a girl answered my phone it was because I was jerking off and not because she was laying in bed with me.


Cavin: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, hahaha and hangs up.



The kid is out of control.

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So I just got off the phone with Cavin and this is how the conversation went.





The kid is out of control.




thanks for posting your bro ish convo, please from now on when you have a though, keep it to yourself

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oh and i dont need 1200hp to run 12's ive run 11's with 1/4 that


I have raced Sam, Linn and just about every other half way important person on this forum in my GT2. There is no need to bring my cars out to continue to race.

Good one, I too have gone 11's with 1/4 of that power, congratulations?


My my Z made 4xxrwhp and I went 11.70 at kilkare last year before I sold it.


you DO realize that 1/4 of 1200 hp is 300hp, and not 4xxrwhp?? 11's with 300fwhp is impressive. 11's with a 4xxrwhp z is pretty much what is expected out of an average driver.

good luck with your internship. i'd probably start you out with simple addition and subtraction problems before moving on to multiplication and division.

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Why not send a mod a pm and ask? We all have access to deleted posts and leave reasons. Just because a post is deleted does not mean you did something wrong.. If you didnt get an infraction or a pm you can safely bet that you are not in the wrong and move one. Considering what your post was about and what else was deleted, I would assume you could figure it out on your own.


Like Ant said, stop openly questioning what the mods here do. Its not a rule but you all are going to make it one if you keep it up. People do have lives outside of here (which means at times we do what we can in the time we have) and when doing clean up on 40 or more posts you can safely assume the pms will only go to those that are in the wrong. Its not about courtesy or respect.... but if you are curious about deleted posts, etc. feel free to send us a pm and we will respond to it when we have a chance. Making a public post really isnt going to help anything.. its just going to piss off the people that are nice enough to volunteer their time to this site.

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Why not send a mod a pm and ask? We all have access to deleted posts and leave reasons. Just because a post is deleted does not mean you did something wrong.. If you didnt get an infraction or a pm you can safely bet that you are not in the wrong and move one. Considering what your post was about and what else was deleted, I would assume you could figure it out on your own.


Like Ant said, stop openly questioning what the mods here do. Its not a rule but you all are going to make it one if you keep it up. People do have lives outside of here (which means at times we do what we can in the time we have) and when doing clean up on 40 or more posts you can safely assume the pms will only go to those that are in the wrong. Its not about courtesy or respect.... but if you are curious about deleted posts, etc. feel free to send us a pm and we will respond to it when we have a chance. Making a public post really isnt going to help anything.. its just going to piss off the people that are nice enough to volunteer their time to this site.



Why can't you just tell everyone on the board why over 40 post were deleted from this thread. Why would you try to hide the fact that mods are deleting post in the Kitchen. This is CR we can question anything a mod does and we can make it as public on this forum as we want.

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Guest Removed
El O El at the deleted posts here.


EL O EL at all the post's that come up This message is hidden because This user is on your Ignore List.


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Guest Removed
It is a cool feature until some jerk quotes someone you have on ignore.


yeah...thats the down side. but you know what, i dont care. people on my list just run there cock suckers about me all the time and have no idea of who i am other then on here.:rolleyes:

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Why can't you just tell everyone on the board why over 40 post were deleted from this thread. Why would you try to hide the fact that mods are deleting post in the Kitchen. This is CR we can question anything a mod does and we can make it as public on this forum as we want.


1) The threads that were deleted were of the subject of a sponsor not even remotely involved with this thread. They asked for them to be removed.


2) You can question anything a Mod does via me, I'm tired of seeing people bash the guys helping me run this place when they make a decision they don't agree with.


There are times when stuff posted here publicly has been asked to be removed or locked, you and Cavin included. Use your felony and his dad for reference.


Thanks to street racing and media coverage, this forum has been far from public for quite some time now.

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