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I think there's a reasonable assumption that PMs could be made public by either party they're sent between. Especially if you've got some bad beef 'twixt the member(s) you're PMing.

While I've been thoroughly entertained by all the drama (mainly because it's not mine), I think I might have to finally throw in the towel and move on to new and more exciting drama.

You kids be good.

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While I've been thoroughly entertained by all the drama (mainly because it's not mine), I think I might have to finally throw in the towel and move on to new and more exciting drama.

i never run outta :popcorn:

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I understand that most people on here don't like this groups actions sometime, myself included. However we are all here to share our common interest in motorcycling. You are not going to get along with everyone, that is a fact of life. However I don't think anyone should be pushed away. Everyone grow up and act like adults. Brandon you were in the wrong for what you said, be a man and apologize. Ben you were out of line with the asshat comment...if you any of us were in brandon's place and had that comment said to us we would be mad....be the good person I know you are and apologize for it. Both of the people involved let the shit end and move on. Winter is over so lets get over this bullshit arguing. Warm weather is upon us so cheer the hell up and get ready to ride...

This is fair warning from myself and I am sure all the other mods....this gets out of control it will be the first thread to go.

I hope this is the last of this arguement/topic.



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I sent you this when it all went down!

So i guess you dont want us to be part of your group? i understand on what just happend that its not cool,but to call us asshat junkies is uncalled for and i dont understand what your problem with us is. If you dont like me posting stuff about our group on ur site then let me know. I asked for your help in the past and will need it in the future as we are both trying to organize and operate MC groups. You and i have never met and maybe i will have to make a special trip up to you so we can meet this summer. We all should work together to improve our situation between our groups. When people talk about burning our shirts thats over the line and i'm not going to take that crap sober or drunk! I went too far with my statement,but I did have good reason to snap. I know you don't aprove of the way i run my site,but its the way i want it ran and I will run it that way like you run yours the way you want. Just looking for some feedback from you considering you and i have allot of the weight on our shoulders.

The second e-mail is where you started you post. I tried..... PM sent also

But didn't you DELETE his account on your web site??? and He has not done the same to you here. Think about it?

This got way out of hand and I'll tell you what I'm sick of dealing with. Both sides need to grow up.

This shit will die IF YOU STOP POSTING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!

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Look on the bright side. Someone would have to purchase that shirt to burn it. When I was in business and you said you wanted one of my shirts to burn.. I would have said, "how many?" - as long as I was making a profit.

Just my 2 cents.

P.S. When your shirts get some more color in them I'll take one.. Like reaperwear or wicked Metal.

Same goes for Ohio Riders. Though I think I'll send for one of the Ohio Rider Stickers. Do you have any in white? My windscreen is tinted!!


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Ok, I have tried to stay out of this whole big bullshit deal but I can't anymore...

How is it ok for the members of OR to completely bash the the assfaultjunkies but the second that someone says shit about members of the OR all hell breaks lose (wether or not there was a "threat" involved)?

I remember not too long ago Ninja Nick cam over to our site and started some shit with Hellarider and things got all out of hand. To be completely honest, if it wasn't for that particular thread I never would have came over to the OR site. I only came here to fuck with Nick (which by the way I apologize for Nick, it was stupid since the thread on the junkies site had nothing to do with me.) I guess my point is, if you look throughout the past threads where the AFJ and the OR have gotten into heated arguements the problem pretty much stays on this site (until recent events regarding the shirt). As a general rule, the bullshit bickering that goes on here does't really happen on the AJ site. Why the FUCK CAN"T WE JUST GET ALONG??? And why is it so popular to just flat out BITCH on here?

We are all here to express our love of motorcycles and enrich the sport. All of this stupid bullshit needs to stop! Yeah Brandon was wrong in what he said, I am wrong in what I have said, that goes for Bob and everyone else on the Junkies.

In the same breath, so are the countless members of the OR that have chimed in with their two cents and flamed the Junkies.

We ALL just need to get together and beat the shit out of eachother with those big ass boxing gloves and then go have a beer!

As Casper said, the Assfaultjunkies are not a bad group of people, just like I don't believe that ALL of the OR are bad people. It's just a shame that things have come to this level or retardation...

Hopefully we ALL can grow up and get along.

Ok, I'm done

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I am NOT close or even friends with anyone involved, But I can tell you from meeting Brandon and the junky crew, One Huge reason this is bothering him , is that he value's being a good friend and doing right by folks, and seems to surround himself with people of simular quality's who are loyal as fuck !

There's a reason why he is thier pres.

Too bad it played out like this !

Cat !

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This whole thing just seems childish to me.

He wants to burn my shirt he paid $20 for. Waaa.

He wants to egg my house. Waaa.

Your all a buncha meanie heads. Waaa.

You said something I don't like elsewhere. Waaa.

I'm leavin but not really. Waaa.

Yes, there were childish comments on all fronts... but we are talking on the internet here. Just grow up dudes. We all love motorcycles, are supposed to be adults and we are all from Ohio. Can't we all just man up a bit and get along? lol.

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