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Saturday May 16th @ 8ish


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You might want to ask your boyfriend's dad about that considering he is spending the rest of his life in prison.


remember that you too 2 are sharing a cell together.


oh and btw. thats my dad..not me. i have no record. but you still cant say that now can you.

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Goodwill...not really. Although Goodwill is a great organization...

"Goodwill Industries is all about people working.


We are North America’s leading nonprofit provider of education, training, and career services for people with disadvantages, such as welfare dependency, homelessness, and lack of education or work experience, as well as those with physical, mental and emotional disabilities. Last year, local Goodwills collectively provided employment and training services to more than 1.1 million individuals.


We believe that work has the power to transform lives by building self-confidence, independence, creativity, trust and friendships. Everyone deserves a chance to have these.


Goodwill provides that chance."

Exerpt courtesy www.Goodwill.com


Goodwill is an International Organization, and has shown sustained presence in regards to helping others not just locally, but globally. I have occasionally shopped at Goodwill, but I really prefer to make my contribution to an organization that is more connected to our community, and Volunteers of America is tops on that list.



Volunteers of America is a national, nonprofit, faith-based organization dedicated to helping those in need rebuild their lives and reach their full potential.


Through thousands of human service programs, including housing and healthcare, Volunteers of America helps more than 2 million people in over 400 communities in 44 states. Since 1896, our ministry of service has supported and empowered America's most vulnerable groups, including at-risk youth, the frail elderly, men and women returning from prison, homeless individuals and families, people with disabilities, and those recovering from addictions. Our work touches the mind, body, heart — and ultimately the spirit — of those we serve, integrating our deep compassion with highly effective programs and services."


Were you trying to infer in your pitiful post that I am less than a whole person because I prefer to shop for clothes at a thrift store, where I can be putting food on a hungry child's plate, or help provide health care for the elderly...not lining the pockets of some megalomaniacal old scheezer in New Albany? Were you actually under the assumption that such a small minded, narcisstic, childish comment about Goodwill was going to crush me? Hahahaha...you silly little man. I am not fazed, for, you see...you are truely showing your true colors...Do you also make inane references about the participants of the Special Olympics?




Double Chin Comment...


I find it thoroughly amusing that you pulled a pic of me and Caitlin (Adalae Suicide, my BFF) and cropped her out to make a reference about McD's helping my double chin...or something. Actually, in the McD's cup unsweetened Ice Tea (can't do sugar)...and the chin...well, I am aware of that (hello? I live with myself everyday)...I am also very proud. For, you see, the "double chin" as you so succinctly put it, is part of the process that I have undertaken. I am quite surprised you didn't pull the "fat girl" pic and throw up some brainiac comment. I have had a Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, I will translate that for you...Weight Loss Surgery. I used to be a few pounds over 300...and I have lost over 160 pounds...and I am SO proud of myself and so secure in who I am as a genuine person, that petty little moronic comments from some douche that has never even met me, is like water off a duck's back. I can guarantee, you have NEVER met anyone like me...and it's YOUR loss.


Now...this has clearly devolved into a battle of wit, and I refuse to attack an ill-equipped unarmed combatant. Peace.

Maybe if you didn't consume 20,000 calories a day, you would be able to put food on the table for your kids.

How far can Rob stretch that fuba, you fat hog? I bet that lose skin is a huge turn on for him. You can keep losing all that weight but, it will not help the fact that your face is more beat than Rob's custom fabrication.

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It's lecture.

Is that the best you can do? Oh please. You must have no idea of who i am to even come up with some lame as shit like that. Next time you get busted street racing make sure to beg and plead with cops to let you go and not take your precious little car that you have sunk every last penny in too.


bottom feeder's cant open there own business without someone else's money


white trash, well maybe there is some left in me.But thats the side of me you dont want to cross.


Rob, just come run your mouth to me in person.

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remember that you too 2 are sharing a cell together.


oh and btw. thats my dad..not me. i have no record. but you still cant say that now can you.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I unlike your father was never in prison, so please explain it to me how I shared a cell with a convicted murderer?

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Ok, enough already.


This is gonna turn into a turf war of "IPS versus GearheadZ" and people are gonna get caught in the crossfire, myself included.


If you all wanna take potshots at each other, do it in PMs although I'd prefer people didn't do it at all.

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