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had the sh1t scared outta me yesterday


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My son had baseball game out of town and my wife was doing the walk for the cure(cancer).

A freind took him to the game so we wouldn't have to have drive 2 cars a 100 miles away.

The wife and I get there in the middle of the 1st inning and our pitcher is getting rocked. We are down 5-0

2nd inning they put my son into pitch. 0 runs scored...nice pitchin debut, we get up to bat and score 5

3rd inning they score 0 and we score 0

4th inning he shuts them out again and has only thrown about 30 pitches( the rule is nomore than 85 per game unless your in the middle of a batter when you hit the number you can finish but then are pulled)

5th inning we are up, my son goes up to bat, a high ball comes in he duck but not far enough and get hit in the head, knocks his helmet off. He is shaken up the coaches look after him and he trots off to first. then 0 runs

Top of the 6th his pitching is erractic he walks the 1st 2 batters stikes out the 3rd and walks the 4th, bases loaded.

Next kid comes up 2nd pitch , he hit a line drive that hit my boy on his heart side of his chest. You can hear the thump all over the field . He falls to his knees in forn of the mound where the ball is. Picks the ball up and throws the runner from 3rd out at home. How f'ing cool is that!!!

They pulled him and stopped the game for a while.

The next kid came in to pitch and we get run ruled.

He told us his ears were ringing but didnt want to tell the coaches so he could sty in and pitch after getting hit in the head. NOt to make excuses for the bad outting but he was doing pretty well.

Anyway he is sporting a nice bruise on his chest.. thank goodness he's been lifting for football and he ios a thick boy.

Just thought I 'd share

have a great one we have another double header today only about 60miles away


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Did you take him to a hospital?

He could be hurt much worse than it seems.

He could be trying to play "tough" and not look like a wuss.

If the hit was that loud then I would be concerned.

You really should take him to get checked out.

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if he didn't die right there on the field, he's probably o.k. not to scare you too much, but a baseball to the chest can, and has been known to kill people. google "commotio cordis" spelling??


basically, a shot to the chest can impart enough energy to throw off the electrical rhythm of the heart, causing it to go haywire (fibrillate). defibrillator will usually fix the situation, but people don't usually have the presence of mind to get an AED even if there's one by the diamond. glad to hear he's o.k. though

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Yep. Don't know if you guys remember the kid around here that got killed a couple years ago playing baseball but that's what happened to him. Took a shot to the chest and it stopped his heart
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Yeah, baseball to the chest is a bad deal. You are never wrong to go to the Dr and have it checked out.


+1,he sounds like a tough kid but none of us wants to read about him collapsing or anything, which unfortunately happens quite a bit.


sorry if that sounded bad, I meant the best.

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I know about the hit to the chest, that is why I almost sh1t myself

Here he is a second day, my big concern also was his head.

I didn't play with a helmet, I looked at him this morning and he looks ok.

If I had bee nhit like he was I be crying like a baby.

He said he knew it only took a sec for the ball to get to him,but he said it seemed lke forever and he could count the laces of the ball. He put his glove up to protect his face .

He is 14

thanks for the concern


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When my friend and I were playing football in like 5th grade he caught a long throw without getting good hands on the ball and the point hit him over his heart. It stopped his heartbeat - we all thought he was dead as the ambulance took him away. I would still check the little guy out.
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