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Eye of the beholder


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Guest tbutera2112
Yep, I am an annoying fuck, it's kind of my thing.


O'Doyle and I are going to use our ginger powers against you if you keep it up mister.



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Sam talking shit about Anthony would be expected since they are friends, but at least he does it to his face.


but to pull up some where your not known, and start off with something like what sam said, just came off as a dick move to every one there. I was not the first one to say it.

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thats $45 A HOUR. and i just might. but see, the thing is at $45 a hour. it might only take me 10 minutes to turn it.

Go rent you a garage or go work for a dealer getting paid warranty time. and after you do a few jobs that only pay .3 hours that take atleast a hour to do the first few times you do it, you might just go back to concrete. but as jeff would say.

but see i could have taking over my dads shop years ago, or started taking over my uncles that is still up and running. But thats just not me. I did my own thing and went into this at my own pace.



Ok first that is a terrible example. That can go either way. Do you think I never quoted someone for a job and once into it, it was more then I qouted. Example: I qouted a driveway, a tear out and repour which means I tear out the old concrete driveway and repour a new one. There was nothing out of the ordinary looking when I looked at it. Typical 4" deep driveway. Got into it and found out that instead of putting gravel underneath it, they just put more concrete, driveway was a average 6-7" think all over. Ended up taking 2x as long to do. After all said and done, I lost money.


Yes you could of took over your dads shop, you choose not to, I choose to take over my dads as he did with his dad. Our company has been in business since the 40's so why would I not keep that style of business with that long of a background goin. I think the more stupid thing to do is to let it close down. Plus I can swirl concrete better then anyone in cbus.


One more question, can you say honestly that your uncle or your dad never showed one thing that you know about cars.

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so you go out to dinner with other guys? weird. but anyway.you poke fun at 90% of the people here. dont go and get all but hurt about what anyone one says. and im not calling you a hater. and i know linn is just tryin to start drama as always. and if you so above her and her comment, why even respond?



The girls were in the back seat of the H2. They didnt want to get out, plus I told them I was only goin in to check out the place. And I dont think I am above her by any means, I dont think I am above anyone, just if you got a problem with me then at least have the balls to say it to me to my face and not hide behind the key board like so many people do. Like Kevin said, If I talk shit here, believe I will do it in person, if I get knocked out for it then so be it.

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Guest Removed
not really talking about that thread in particular, just the general attitude thats been going around lately between the ips crew and rob....but since when do people around here get so upset about being made fun of?


guess we cant have good old cr fun anymore..cause i remember when i joined here, the running joke was sam, tilly and linn was those 3 guys. and after i read dana's post this morning. i was like you dont know how far back that joke really goes.

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but to pull up some where your not known, and start off with something like what sam said, just came off as a dick move to every one there. I was not the first one to say it.



I knew over 70% of the people there, and jesus are people really scared of me or something. Why?? Shit I think Paul has more balls then me, he is willing to race anyone that challenges him hence why I have more respect for him and do not see why so many people pick on him on here. At least he can say he does race.

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Guest tbutera2112
guess we cant have good old cr fun anymore..cause i remember when i joined here, the running joke was sam, tilly and linn was those 3 guys. and after i read dana's post this morning. i was like you dont know how far back that joke really goes.


sorry man...i really have no fucking clue what youre trying to say....you worded this post like shit lol

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Guest tbutera2112
I knew over 70% of the people there, and jesus are people really scared of me or something. Why?? Shit I think Paul has more balls then me, he is willing to race anyone that challenges him hence why I have more respect for him and do not see why so many people pick on him on here. At least he can say he does race.


lol they were callin him the virgin linn last night

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Guest tbutera2112
and sam, once my car is done, if you wanna get a few runs in we can set some stuff up through PMs sometime...im down for havin a little weekend fun with you and whoever else, but i refuse to do that mainstream polaris shit where im bound to get busted...i dont really plan to lose my license again
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No harm in teasing someone, and the dude can take a joke. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/14biggy/Smileys/shrug.gif



The only thing I could see to pick on him about would be his terrible spelling. Past that I dunno.


Now when we doin that concrete?:)

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Guest Removed
Ok first that is a terrible example. That can go either way. Do you think I never quoted someone for a job and once into it, it was more then I qouted. Example: I qouted a driveway, a tear out and repour which means I tear out the old concrete driveway and repour a new one. There was nothing out of the ordinary looking when I looked at it. Typical 4" deep driveway. Got into it and found out that instead of putting gravel underneath it, they just put more concrete, driveway was a average 6-7" think all over. Ended up taking 2x as long to do. After all said and done, I lost money.


Yes you could of took over your dads shop, you choose not to, I choose to take over my dads as he did with his dad. Our company has been in business since the 40's so why would I not keep that style of business with that long of a background goin. I think the more stupid thing to do is to let it close down. Plus I can swirl concrete better then anyone in cbus.


One more question, can you say honestly that your uncle or your dad never showed one thing that you know about cars.


well just like ants car. i started pulling the trans out and found the harness to the crank sensor melted to the header. granted i could have left it like that, but i gave him that option on me fixing it while i had it. so i pulled the harness out and repaired it, and heat wrapped it and so on. but it dont always go like that.granted, that added shit to his bill, hence the joke about me sending him the bill on the seat handle :p

and honestly, my grand father started hands back in the 30's. but it was radiator repair. not to many radiator out there anymore to fix man. granted some gm's and volvo's you can swap the end tanks out on, but that like putting a bandaid on something that need stitches. and dad turned the one on sullivant into full auto at one point, but then went back to radiators, a/c and so on type repairs. hell my grand mother is still in this industry to this day. and she no more about cars then most normal joes do. and yes i learned about from the family business. like how my dad was cheaper then most out there, thats how his shop always stayed so busy. but most of my advanced schooling came in at tech school, north western up in lima, and of course dealer training and other class's i have taking over the years. and of course doing it. but then thats why i can look at a job and say this much $ to do it, and make money at doing it and still be cheaper then most other shops.

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The only thing I could see to pick on him about would be his terrible spelling. Past that I dunno.


Now when we doin that concrete?:)


The spelling is all that I see most pick on him about.


As far as concrete goes, I need to get my red-headed ass up to the land and clear some trees out with our bulldozer. After that, I will probably have you come up and see where the best place to put a foundation down would be.


Feel free to help with the destruction. :p

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The only thing I could see to pick on him about would be his terrible spelling. Past that I dunno.


Now when we doin that concrete?:)


Have you seen the massive turd hanging from his chin?











Haha just fucking with you Paul...I can't grow facial hair :(

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Guest Removed
I knew over 70% of the people there, and jesus are people really scared of me or something. Why?? Shit I think Paul has more balls then me, he is willing to race anyone that challenges him hence why I have more respect for him and do not see why so many people pick on him on here. At least he can say he does race.


well paul is a easy target. if you hung around (like last night) you would know how i had every one laughing last night at him. or tyler for that matter. but thats part of hanging out and having a good time. hell i get it some times too, but im the guy that fires back.;)

and paul is just plain funny. hell the guy has sprung a leak, and goes "piissttt" every now and again.


and you know im not scared...i thought we was going to have a good old time once you was there. but it didnt go that way.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder

I am thoroughly entertained...someone does not understand how with every simple minded, pathetic attempt to "crack" on someone's girlfriend...it shows how desperate and inferior the mudslingers aka nutswingers really are. Because someone can not make derogatory comments about Rob's abilities and expertise...they have attacked me, his family, his "status", my ethnicity, my health history and my weight...wow. Good Job, honey.


I had no idea who you joes were...I was standing outside the bay door with my dog. You came in...made your little rehearsed boy drama, got your rocks off..got in your vehicles and the lackey in the truck throwing gravel and dust towards me and the pup-girl...I thought that was a very dickheaded move. I went in and asked, "who was that and what was their malfunction?" That is when I was told about IPS...So, my question is...why IS IPS all tweaked about one guy that is an amazing tech, going after his dream of owning his own shop? Not in the same neighborhood...not even close. He does have several shops that are feeling threatened with his labor rate...but, if Rob has been able to negotiate a deal where his overhead is low enough that he can pull off that kind of discount to his customers...maybe, just maybe, those companies should start evaluating the current economic trend and the possibility that they might have to cut some fat and get a leaner business strategy (I HAD to make the fat reference...because I can...hahaha!). Most of these shops have bonded with their crew and I can imagine that the idea of looking into the eyes of your buddy and doing the best thing to make your business profitable, causes them to lay awake at night or drink themself to sleep. Either way...damned if you do and damned if you don't. If you cut that extra baggage, and they are now a little salty...there is a little anxiety about what that person has been privy to behind those closed doors and the fear they going to spill something that could end up being the virtual A Bomb that blows sky high...so...Do you keep on keeping on...eating that Labor $ to ensure the brand is not ravaged in the marketplace...OR...do you do the deed, let that person go and hope that things don't go south. OR...do you start maligning the competition's choice in a personal relationship and THINK you are getting one over, when everyone can see through the malarkey...I'm over it, you should be. You are seriously quite entertaining, I bet you are a blast to hang out with...next time you are in the neighborhood, stop in...I would like to shake your hand and apologize for recognizing the resemblence to the Roxbury guys...(you should be flattered actually, Will Farrell is AMAZING, really nice guy too).

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Guest Removed
The only thing I could see to pick on him about would be his terrible spelling. Past that I dunno.


Now when we doin that concrete?:)


then you havent been around paul much like some of us have.....but i covered that in another post..


and yes his chin fuss got a good old laugh last night..like my joke about the international sign for do you know paul..now that was epic as hell:D

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well just like ants car. i started pulling the trans out and found the harness to the crank sensor melted to the header. granted i could have left it like that, but i gave him that option on me fixing it while i had it. so i pulled the harness out and repaired it, and heat wrapped it and so on. but it dont always go like that.granted, that added shit to his bill, hence the joke about me sending him the bill on the seat handle :p

and honestly, my grand father started hands back in the 30's. but it was radiator repair. not to many radiator out there anymore to fix man. granted some gm's and volvo's you can swap the end tanks out on, but that like putting a bandaid on something that need stitches. and dad turned the one on sullivant into full auto at one point, but then went back to radiators, a/c and so on type repairs. hell my grand mother is still in this industry to this day. and she no more about cars then most normal joes do. and yes i learned about from the family business. like how my dad was cheaper then most out there, thats how his shop always stayed so busy. but most of my advanced schooling came in at tech school, north western up in lima, and of course dealer training and other class's i have taking over the years. and of course doing it. but then thats why i can look at a job and say this much $ to do it, and make money at doing it and still be cheaper then most other shops.




So why try to take a jap at me for taking over my dads business. Yes I could of went out and bought my stuff but I would still be in the same place i am in now and doin the same work. This way I have a nice clientell built up to keep attending to. Either way you look at it Rob, you really didnt start up awhole lot, yes you got a shop, good, but if you dad didnt show you the basics and your schooling didnt show you the other stuff you wouldnt be where you are now. So in a way you also just took over in your dads shoes, yes its a different company name, workers, location but it all started from your dad showing how to tinker on cars. So you are in a way continueing what your dad/granddad/uncle started. You jabs make no sense sometimes or if you are trying to talk shit, you need to ge reread the shit talking manual. Hell you are a westsider, I would expect more.

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well paul is a easy target. if you hung around (like last night) you would know how i had every one laughing last night at him. or tyler for that matter. but thats part of hanging out and having a good time. hell i get it some times too, but im the guy that fires back.;)

and paul is just plain funny. hell the guy has sprung a leak, and goes "piissttt" every now and again.


and you know im not scared...i thought we was going to have a good old time once you was there. but it didnt go that way.




Didnt stay cause I felt bad for everyone with me, they all got dressed up for my Bday dinner then I told them I wanted to stop by and then we headed out for some late night fun.

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I am going to get called a nutswinger obviously because that is how CR rolls, but I agree with Sam here. She said the shit about their clothes and car first...who fucking cares if he drives and wears nice things to a get-together.


Seems like a shit ton of either jealousy or something.


Sam talking shit about Anthony would be expected since they are friends, but at least he does it to his face.


From what I read in that thread Dana threw the first punch.


I like Rob and support his shop completely, but facts are facts.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
Yep, I am an annoying fuck, it's kind of my thing.


O'Doyle and I are going to use our ginger powers against you if you keep it up mister.


I didn't know her last name was Powers...I always had a thing for her..Mary Anne totally had the realistic girl next door appeal...but Ginger had the dress. What? OH! Sorry...nevermind...Thanks Rob.

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