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Hate crime on an S2k


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First off, I am glad the mods dont allow this site to get all fucked up with bullshit in everyones sigs. I couldnt tell if I was reading a post or what. Secondly, that is a fucked up thing to have happen. I could see if he fucked with someones car, family, kids, or something but if he actually is innocent, that sucks.
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First off, I am glad the mods dont allow this site to get all fucked up with bullshit in everyones sigs. I couldnt tell if Iwa reading a post or what. Secondly, that is a fucked up thing to have happen. I could see if he fucked with someones car, family, kids, or something but if he actually is innocent, that sucks.


**closed thread**


I said fuck it and stopped trying to figure out which was a post and what was a sig.

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I dont know what goes through the minds of people like that. Nothing was proved by destroying that vehicle. It doesnt make the owner anymore or less of who he is. And besides that it is just COWARD!!! I feel for this person!!
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Well he pissed someone off. Had to. Noone, and I mean NOONE goes to that much trouble to make sure that no part of that car is worth keeping, unless he did something pretty terrible to someone. I could see my self doing that, w/o the religious crap though, to someone who say maybe keyed my car or slashed a tire and then refused to fix it... that's just the law of destruction though. Someone specifically hated him, and went to town.
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It would have been alot smarter to make sure you were covered before going to that extreme. Just doesnt seem logical.

A friend of mine set his old car on fire one summer in hops to get the insurance $$$ so he could put a down payment on a newer car. He drove it around, and got it nice and hot then poured fuel in the intake and set it on fire. He first called a tow truck and told him his car broke down to make it seem legit. Then he called the fire dept about 5 minute later saying the car was on fire. Had it all planned out.....EXCEPT, his insurance didn't cover Fire or Theft. Hahahah. True Story! I drove him around a lot that summer.

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Guest tbutera2112
A friend of mine set his old car on fire one summer in hops to get the insurance $$$ so he could put a down payment on a newer car. He drove it around, and got it nice and hot then poured fuel in the intake and set it on fire. He first called a tow truck and told him his car broke down to make it seem legit. Then he called the fire dept about 5 minute later saying the car was on fire. Had it all planned out.....EXCEPT, his insurance didn't cover Fire or Theft. Hahahah. True Story! I drove him around a lot that summer.


lol when my dad was a kid his stereo got stolen out of his gremlin and he was so mad him and his buddy put a brick on the gas pedal and launched it into hoover dam...then he reported it stolen, and called his insurance company...turns out he forgot to pay his bill that month haha

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