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Call it as I see it


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I'm glad to see that there has been 7 pages of production and ideas as to how to improve our forum, and not just 7 pages of people arguing still like in the first few threads...:rolleyes::nono:


- treat others with respect

- don't be a fucking retard

- follow the rules or pay the price


Not sure what else that could be done? I am sure Anthony will listen to good ideas.

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A lot of the problem is showcased in this thread, Anthony asked a serious question and people are going way off topic and hijacking the thread. I don’t know what other people think but when I see someone do this I don’t think this guy is funny or this guy must be cool cuz I see him post all the time. I think this guy is a self centered moron who obviously doesn’t get enough attention elsewhere in life.


there are lots of ways to try to improve this forum but most of whats been suggested wont work. most of them take away certain freedoms and I like freedom but maybe we should employ another freedom, the right to vote. maybe just to vote if a person should stay or go or maybe to vote on each post to decide whether the post is helpful or not.


If we could do that we could cut this thread down to 2 pages and get rid of the crap, i didn't click on this thread to read about someone elses argument or find out who owes who food or see boobies. i'm here to participate and hopefully help with the problem presented in the title.



maybe we should make a list of suggestions and then set up a poll to vote and only try it in certain areas of the board. i have made a list of suggestions i have come accross from this thread, even the ones i don't agree with, if you have any more please add to the list.


1. limit the number of posts based on join date or rep points

2. ban everyone who signed up after 04

3. put a sarcasm meter on each post so you can make sure everyone knows your joking

4. have a take-a-noob to the meet day so we can show them how to properly enter and leave the parking lot.

5. get rid of the kitchen

6. have the moderators be more strict

7. have the ability for everyone to vote whether or not a post is helpfull if it gets enough "NO"s then it will be deleted

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Rob you have some good ideas there. The noob meet could actually be a good thing if done right. I know the first meet i came was weird at first since nobody would really talk to me.


Please keep the ideas coming and the BS down to a low roar.

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Guest Removed
I sent Rob a PM yesterday afternoon asking him if he wanted me to stop by his shop so that we could sit down and talk like adults.


I got no reply, then get online to see Dana's post. Rob let me know if you want to talk.


Well see i still smell BS coming from you..it stinks. you told me on the phone, you pm'd me yesterday morning, but your saying you pm'd me in the afternoon.

now i am publicly going to tell you to stop calling me and my business line. and please do not show up here.


just got done dealing with a few more phone calls from the ad :mad::mad::mad:


crazy pervs out there still calling my shop. taking my time away from me trying to get cars done here.

from here on out, im not talking about this any further. thats it.

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Guest tbutera2112
+1 to getting rid of the kitchen...if theres nowhere for people to talk shit to each other, they wont do it...delete it and give out vacations for shit talking in serious posts, and get rid of the kitchen...talking shit about "oh my vdub is faster than your audi" in a thread about racing, sure...or even "hey phil, once our cars are done, im going to drag you all over town", let that slide in maybe a thread thats about either of the cars mentioned or about racing in general....but making a section just for personal attacks and then getting mad when they happen, seems dumb to me...deleting the kitchen would help fix a lot of that...its like the same thing that happened with the politics... once that section was shut down, a lot of that shit chilled out
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A lot of the problem is showcased in this thread, Anthony asked a serious question and people are going way off topic and hijacking the thread. I don’t know what other people think but when I see someone do this I don’t think this guy is funny or this guy must be cool cuz I see him post all the time. I think this guy is a self centered moron who obviously doesn’t get enough attention elsewhere in life.


there are lots of ways to try to improve this forum but most of whats been suggested wont work. most of them take away certain freedoms and I like freedom but maybe we should employ another freedom, the right to vote. maybe just to vote if a person should stay or go or maybe to vote on each post to decide whether the post is helpful or not.


If we could do that we could cut this thread down to 2 pages and get rid of the crap, i didn't click on this thread to read about someone elses argument or find out who owes who food or see boobies. i'm here to participate and hopefully help with the problem presented in the title.



maybe we should make a list of suggestions and then set up a poll to vote and only try it in certain areas of the board. i have made a list of suggestions i have come accross from this thread, even the ones i don't agree with, if you have any more please add to the list.


1. limit the number of posts based on join date or rep points

2. ban everyone who signed up after 04

3. put a sarcasm meter on each post so you can make sure everyone knows your joking

4. have a take-a-noob to the meet day so we can show them how to properly enter and leave the parking lot.

5. get rid of the kitchen

6. have the moderators be more strict

7. have the ability for everyone to vote whether or not a post is helpfull if it gets enough "NO"s then it will be deleted


That is what im talking about! not everyone after 04 is bad. And voting to have a post deleted or not makes somewhat sense but then what would be the point of saying anything stupid like EVERYONE does? I think the mods are strict enough(Mods you do a hell of a job not a shot a you guys :cool:), if the become even more strict then this might as well be a prison. The noob thing is good but at the same time people should come out and talk to people. Its not hard, we are here cause we all have something in common TALK ABOUT IT!!!!

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lol i love "take a noob to meet day" idea.......I will be the first up for being adopted!!!


I AM FOR SALE FOR $10.00 (pays for adoption fee and neutering process)


Mike I adopted you weeks ago. Unless you are abused and/or threatened you are bound.

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That is what im talking about! not everyone after 04 is bad. And voting to have a post deleted or not makes somewhat sense but then what would be the point of saying anything stupid like EVERYONE does? I think the mods are strict enough(Mods you do a hell of a job not a shot a you guys :cool:), if the become even more strict then this might as well be a prison. The noob thing is good but at the same time people should come out and talk to people. Its not hard, we are here cause we all have something in common TALK ABOUT IT!!!!


if we did do the vote thing i propose it only be used in certain areas because we do need the stupid threads we just don't need dumb shit in our serious ones.


and for other areas maybe make this an option that is only available if a moderator decides it is necessary or is asked to make available by someone else.


i think if we get rid of the kitchen the crap will just pop up in other threads.

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if we did do the vote thing i propose it only be used in certain areas because we do need the stupid threads we just don't need dumb shit in our serious ones.


and for other areas maybe make this an option that is only available if a moderator decides it is necessary or is asked to make available by someone else.


i think if we get rid of the kitchen the crap will just pop up in other threads.


Ok cool now i see whatcha mean!!! And thats how i feel about the kitchen as well.

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Guest tbutera2112
Ok cool now i see whatcha mean!!! And thats how i feel about the kitchen as well.


thats why i suggested vacations for if it does...look how they handle the corral threads now

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I'm completly against taking the kitchen away, which anthony won't do. A lot of people like myself jus like to bullshit, most of the time nothing is taken to seriously in here except for a select few who need there man card taken away, but its prolly the best part of cr. Shit talking makes the whole car scene 10x better. I have seen very few races where people didn't do any shit talking and were extrmely polite. If you don't like what's being said in here don't come in here. It clearly states if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen
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I've dynoed at Dynotune on my bike and my monte carlo. Brian has been nothing but nice to me and in reality he has all the reasons to treat me like shit. (*IF you don't know why your not OG*)



How long has it been since the Bug incident? I had forgotten about that. Glad I wasn't there to see that happen.

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Guest tbutera2112
I'm completly against taking the kitchen away, which anthony won't do. A lot of people like myself jus like to bullshit, most of the time nothing is taken to seriously in here except for a select few who need there man card taken away, but its prolly the best part of cr. Shit talking makes the whole car scene 10x better. I have seen very few races where people didn't do any shit talking and were extrmely polite. If you don't like what's being said in here don't come in here. It clearly states if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen


isnt that what this whole thread is about? too many people who got their feelings hurt and cried to mods, now the mods are sick of it?

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isnt that what this whole thread is about? too many people who got their feelings hurt and cried to mods, now the mods are sick of it?

From what I gather from talking with Anthony is he is tired of hearing/seeing people personally attacking each other including sponsors. He comes home from work to see pm's of people feeling they are some how wronged and it probably feels like a second job that he voluntarily does for our benefit. Cleaning up posts/threads and dealing with these issues takes away time from his family and personal life. He probably cant enjoy this site any longer and wants us all to man up and improve it.

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From what I gather from talking with Anthony is he is tired of hearing/seeing people personally attacking each other including sponsors. He comes home from work to see pm's of people feeling they are some how wronged and it probably feels like a second job that he voluntarily does for our benefit. Cleaning up posts/threads and dealing with these issues takes away time from his family and personal life. He probably cant enjoy this site any longer and wants us all to man up and improve it.



I think personal or not, sponsor or newb; if you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen.

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Well see i still smell BS coming from you..it stinks. you told me on the phone, you pm'd me yesterday morning, but your saying you pm'd me in the afternoon.

now i am publicly going to tell you to stop calling me and my business line. and please do not show up here.


just got done dealing with a few more phone calls from the ad :mad::mad::mad:


crazy pervs out there still calling my shop. taking my time away from me trying to get cars done here.

from here on out, im not talking about this any further. thats it.



I'm not trying to fuck with you Rob I was trying to talk with you like an adult.



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Guest tbutera2112
No from what I gather from talking with Anthony is he is tired of hearing/seeing people personally attacking each other including sponsors. He comes home from work to see pm's of people feeling they are some how wronged and it probably feels like a second job that he voluntarily does for our benefit. Cleaning up posts/threads and dealing with these issues takes away time from his family and personal life. He probably cant enjoy this site any longer and wants us all to man up and improve it.


i feel like im talking in circles.... first i suggest no kitchen, then im told if you cant take the heat to get out of the kitchen, then i say that theres too many people who cry in the kitchen, then you tell me that that the mods are getting tired of the personal attacks, and now im right back to suggesting that there be no kitchen....its like giving a little kid a swingset and telling them they arent allowed to swing or yelling at them when they do swing...the kitchen is here for people to talk shit...if talking shit is causing so many problems, the kitchen should be removed, if talking shit isnt causing problems, then why is this thread here...i guess i dont get what you are trying to say...personally i have np with the kitchen...then again, people talk so much shit to me that im used to it and dont really take offense to any of it, because i do it too...just offering up suggestions like you asked for jason

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Guest tbutera2112
Well, in that case BAN! every mother fucker who shits in real threads or starts BS threads outside of the kitchen.

i dont think he meant that literally...it definitely is about the threads taking place in the kitchen, as anthony stated to begin with...

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i dont think he meant that literally...it definitely is about the threads taking place in the kitchen, as anthony stated to begin with...



And ban anyone who makes more than 1 bs thread on a topic or issue.

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I am all for the kitchen. But keep it practical and talk about how your going to beat someone at a track or why your car is better. I have made posts/threads that shitted up the kitchen. But it has gotten personal at this point with alot of people and has gone beyond the normal kitchen flaming. People are attacking each other instead of just poking fun. I am not innocent in any of this. I admittedly post whored years ago. But I try to make my posts contribute something.
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