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DTM Brian

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Got an update on my mom. She went into surgery to have her gallbladder removed around 8:00 tonight and afterwards my dad called to say, basically, that mom is lucky to be alive. When the doctor removed her gallbladder they said it was the size of two lemons(apparently your gallbladder is supposed to be the size of a finger (3"-4" long)) and it was completely dead and was infected with gangrene***. She was supposed to only be out for a few days and now it looks like she will be in recovery at the hospital for about a week and out of work for about six weeks. But she will make a full recovery. So, just an update and a thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


***Gangrene is a complication of necrosis (i.e., cell death) characterized by the decay of body tissues, which become black (and/or green) and malodorous. It is caused by infection or ischemia, such as from thrombosis (blocked blood vessel). It is usually the result of critically insufficient blood supply (e.g., peripheral vascular disease) and is often associated with diabetes and long-term smoking. This condition is most common in the lower extremities. The best treatment for gangrene is revascularization (i.e., restoration of blood flow) of the affected organ, which can reverse some of the effects of necrosis and allow healing. Other treatments include debridement and surgical amputation. The method of treatment is generally determined depending on location of affected tissue and extent of tissue loss. Gangrene may appear as one effect of foot binding.

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good to hear. most likely one of my old colleagues helped in her care--they have a great surgical program at that hospital


I wish she still worked here. Unfortunately major cut backs caused a loss of her job. She was here 24 years and getting ready to retire.


I am here with her now in the 7th tower. Looks like it is going to be a long night. Lots of caffiene tomorrow from the shop.



I have been focused hardcore on the business and spending late nights thinking of how I can make dyno tune better and to be sure I am around for a really long time. However, I now have another focus for at least a little while during her recovery. Do not worry. Dyno Brian is still going to be cranking out customer service and tuning. Thank you again. I do not normally reach out like this. It did feel good to see the warm responses. I guess I have a new appreciation for life after the loss of a couple close friends on here and now my mother in hospital.


Sorry for rambling on. Nurse asked me to stay awake for awhile to keep an eye on her.

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Wow, if Im not mistaken cant the Gallbladder actually explode internally from that? And if that happens its pretty much over? Glad to hear shes ok man, prayers are with you.



I have to be honest I do not know much about gallbladders. According to the nurse, it was the worst gallbladder they had to remove in 25 years here. She is lucky to be alive. I am thankfull the surgery is done. The worst part was her having to wait hours in a waiting hour to get a bed and then get tests. So relieved she is laying here resting.


Now all I need to do is find somewhere to plug in my laptop. LOL

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Now all I need to do is find somewhere to plug in my laptop. LOL


well dont unplug her for the laptop...:D





cheer up its all uphill from here.

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glad she's doing well and your priorities are focused. You never truly know what they mean to you until they're gone. Lost my dad to cancer a couple of years ago and then my mom a year later to an ugly battle with diabetes. I miss them a lot and think about them every day.
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Brian I'm glad she is going to be ok :]


Thank you sir.


glad she's doing well and your priorities are focused. You never truly know what they mean to you until they're gone. Lost my dad to cancer a couple of years ago and then my mom a year later to an ugly battle with diabetes. I miss them a lot and think about them every day.


I am dreading the day when that comes. My mother has had diabetes as far as I can remember so I understand that. From time to time I think about how they are aging and one day they will move on to another place. I do not do well with death. I am still struggling with the loss of Kenny.


wheel chair drag races!


I am sure I can find some medical grade nitrous around here and give a wheel chair a little extra boost. ;)





Her heart rate is getting erratic. I guess they are going to be moving her. I am on stand by to see where she is going.

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Awesome man, my mom had her gallbladder out when I was younger (I can't even remember, I wanna say 12 or so). At that point it didn't set in how serious it could be. Glad to hear the good news man. Your family will continue to be in my thoughts.
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