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This is for the birds


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for the bird lovers that is.


The babies took exactly 14 days from the moment of the eggs hatching to growing up and flying away. It's amazing how fast they grow. Another amazing thing this year is that all four Robins survived to flight. Normally we see only 1-2 chicks make it. Sometimes three; but this time all four.


I'll add a few more shots, but for now, here's a couple that we took earlier today.


Baby Bird #3 after leaving the nest hiding in the honeysuckle bushes on our property.




Daddy I believe, just before he took off after a couple Ravins that also have a next way up top in the Pine trees on our lot. Unfortunately they chased after one of the babies and know there are four of them out there. Luckily none were killed or eaten. I just wonder how long they can last.



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Great pictures. Did you get a timeline of pictures of the little ones from hatching to flying away?


I didn't get a measured time line of images, but the ones I've shared over the past couple weeks here do show how fast they grow. It was great for the kids to be able to watch them at breakfast every day. The followed them for the entire day today as they made their way around the various trees, etc.

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