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N. Korea Nuclear tests

Big Steve

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Has anybody been reading up on this as it has been going along? N. Korea is getting gangsta on the entire world!!




"South Korea, meanwhile, announced it would join a maritime web of more than 90 nations that intercept ships suspected of spreading weapons of mass destruction — a move North Korea warned would constitute an act of war"


"Obama also spoke with Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, the White House said, with the leaders agreeing to step up coordination with South Korea, China and Russia.


Obama reiterated the U.S. commitment to defend both South Korean and Japan, U.S. and South Korean officials said."

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I dunno, China and Russia helped N. Korea fight the U.S. and S. Korea during the Korean war


That's like saying the Big Three are still common enemies because they fought each other during the 60's.

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China will back N Korea if we go preemptive, they don't want us on their turf, and they're both still communist.

But just wait, some crazy ass gulf of tonkin shit will happen and we'll be in and Russia will tell us we're on our own.

I just hope Obama doesn't back away from taking out a crazy communist tyrant with nukes.

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China will back N Korea if we go preemptive, they don't want us on their turf, and they're both still communist.

But just wait, some crazy ass gulf of tonkin shit will happen and we'll be in and Russia will tell us we're on our own.

I just hope Obama doesn't back away from taking out a crazy communist tyrant with nukes.


And I hoped he would not be elected into office... SO, I think we know what we can expect when he is faced with confrontation. If what he is doing now can be considered a precursor to what he does in the future as president, we can kiss our rights bye-bye!!

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N. Korea with nukes is like a pre-teen with a gun. Couldn't hit the side of a barn unless he gets lucky, but will do his best to try and bully everyone nearby so he doesn't feel like the small petulant child he is. This is DEFINITELY a situation where sending in a sharpshooter to pop Kim Jong Il's head like an overripe melon would solve a LOT of issues.
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How is everyone all boo-hoo on Obama already ? He hasn't done anything yet, and as long as Obama doesn't attack another country that has nothing to do with N. Korea we should be in good shape. Diplomacy is best, almost always. If everyone had been all bomb-happy during the cold war we'd all be mutants.
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Yeah, but they hate North Korea even more because Kim Jong II is nuts where Obama is a pussy.


He thinks he's an expert on film. He's absolutely, certifiably, 100% insane.


Don't worry we'll blow them to hell and back then pay to rebuild their country. Isn't that how our government works?

Their subway is 360 or so feet deep, and has large blast doors. Like Metro 2.




I'm really not worried. It'll be all talk.

Edited by Patrick
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