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Ok seriously that's the second time I've posted that tonight. I do however think it's absolutely ridiculous for the laws to be more harsh for this than for DUI's. It just sucks that my generation ruined the party for everyone, especially when some of us do in fact have our heads screwed on (relatively) right.
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One other thing I am confused about. The court couldn't prove they were racing thats night. why do all the reports say it was due to street racing. wasn't he over the limit. why not call this a dui accident?
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Guest tbutera2112
One other thing I am confused about. The court couldn't prove they were racing thats night. why do all the reports say it was due to street racing. wasn't he over the limit. why not call this a dui accident?


i think its not being called a dui accident because the family is upset and wants someone to blame....if they called it a dui, that places all blame on george, and may he RIP but they cant really do anything about it now... but by calling it street racing saying that the other "racer" was let off, it gives people that bad taste of "well she was fine until that kid ruined her life, and now he is walking free....we need to do something about this"


atleast thats my best guess

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OMG, flame much?



fucking stupid women some times. my g/f did the same thing to me on sunday, she spilled coffee in my brand new car on to the suede seats. I got pissed off about it and she pulled the line "you care more about your stupid car then you care about me" my response, " yes, I do care about my car when its less then 4 months old and has less then 5k miles on it. the seats are suede! coffee stains do not come off suede very easy."


must have set something off because she was outside the next minute steam cleaning the seats trying to get the stain out.


anyways, i agree that the penalty should be stronger, im all for the offenders getting their car crushed in front of them. hell I think the offender should be the one in charge of crushing their own car, IE pull the lever.

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sounds like the state is trying to get in the used car business


Why not get into the used car business, the Government has been stealing from us for a long time. First our money, now our cars. Honestly I agree something needed to be done, but whatever happened to penalties based on circumstance? I could see that kind of penalty for an incident where an injury occurs, but for a couple of guys just out messing around on a back road?

This is way too broad.

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The people bitching about street racing are the same faggot-whiny-soccer-moms that do 100mph in rush hour weaving thru lanes on their cell phones while putting make-up on just to get junior to practice on time! Practice! not a game, but practice!


Every morning and evening i see people driving like idiots with alot traffic, mornings are the worst. They cant be late for work.

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Why don't we start an E-petition or something to make sure the courts look at whats being put forth and how a DUI is a much more deadly offense... Every 24 hours 1,620 people are injured or maimed by a drunk driver nation wide... I cant find a national statistic on street racing... but I am sure it is no where this... I am willing to bet this many people are not even injured from it on a weekend.


I am not saying it is right... I am just saying if I get pulled over doing 85 or w.e on a friday night at 2am and get a "street racing" ticket because I drive a car with a loud exhaust, tinted windows and am a young male... I am going to be pissed because this cop should be looking for a drunk ass hole...


And cops will sit and wait for some dumb ass kids (prob ricers) to roll out of a parking lot and race right in front of it to bust us (the car community) but I dont see them sitting out side of every bar waiting to watch a guy stumble into his car and pull out onto a populated street...


Oh well fuck it.. Our government is bull shit, our laws are geting to be straight retarded and we are letting more sever crimes happen because the lesser ones are easy tickets...


But we allow this to happen, because most of us will bitch and do nothing.... just sit here and watch the world burn.... Let the government take your rights away... I wont.. I (like others on here) have fought for my rights and yours.... I will do what I can to try to make a difference


This to me is not about street racing its about our world burning and no one cares... the street racing vs DUI thing is just a very small example....


But lets keep the Racing on the track and keep the DUI's on the streets I guess.


Fuck it..... OUT.

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i think street racing and dui should be the same offense. same penalty's

lose you license for 5-10 years and watch your car get crushed, and of course word the laws correctly to where it has to be proven you are racing...not just hearsay.


yea i agree, definitely should be a caught in the act type thing or able to be proven in some way or another

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Guest Removed
Where is it??? Or is she STARTING one??


From what i understand she has started one. :confused:

I'll have her post it up after she gets back from the attorneys office.

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fuck the law. imma still race bitch



Please ignore this post. What Mike was trying to say was ...




fuck yes this law is useful. Emma might still race though ... she's a bitch, I on the other hand can be found helping Boy Scouts earn merit badges on weekend evenings ... and not the "Can You Keep A Secret" badge.
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My biggest concern is that my cars could be mistaken for those of a FnF street racer. If a cop is having a bad day, he could just say I was street racing and my car would be impounded (and likely damaged) before I have a chance to defend myself.


I was pulled over for 'racing' with my two year old in the car a couple of months ago. The cop came up to me and asked if i knew why i was pulled over, to which i had no idea.


cop: "well i noticed you keeping pace to the vehicle next to you for some time, were you trying to race the other car? did you know them?"


me: "the other car was my wife...my son was waving to her..."


After he ran my license, he let me go but if that type of law was in place and he was having a bad day, not only would my car be impounded, i probably would have lost my son to CPS.

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Anytime where you can be guilty before innocent is a bad idea.


Also, why dont they get proactive and provide race spots, not big drag strips, just straight road and a start and finish line. Have it be where you must volunteer like 4 hours a week to be able to race on it. No clock, just a tree and a win light. Open all of the time.

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Anytime where you can be guilty before innocent is a bad idea.


Also, why dont they get proactive and provide race spots, not big drag strips, just straight road and a start and finish line. Have it be where you must volunteer like 4 hours a week to be able to race on it. No clock, just a tree and a win light. Open all of the time.



I like your thinking Ramsey




but on the otherhand a DUI is more dangerous than a street race.



Street Racing is dangerous i.e speeds reaching will over 120mph, weaving in and out of traffic, yeah you may lose control of your car and wreck and kill someone or yourself.


DUI is also dangerous as well, I mean you are driving impaired but you are not speeding and weaving in and out of traffic. It is a stupid decision.


One of my family members was killed by a drunk driver, I wanted to find the piece of shit and kick the shit out of him for making a piss poor decision.

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This goes along with what Ramsey said, we need somewhere to run. They do it in Europe all the time, block off a street and have police monitor the action. I've also said this many times before on this site, I want a "Beat the Heat" event here in Columbus. It would be a hell of a time to get to race the police from around here, and if they confiscate someones souped up car...throw some lights on it and race us with our own toys. It would be a lot of fun, and I bet would get a great turn out.
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This whole deal is more stupid ass govt. bull shit. Where I work at one of our jobs is wreck clean ups for franklin county and osp. Of all the wreck cars I have ever seen on the lot only one is from street racing. I have lost count of all the ones for drunk driving. Unforunatly the person driving from the street racing accident was killed. There are over 20 people killed in the drunk driving accidents in the past six months.


Recently I was dispatched out to take care of a tractor trailer that was struck in the front tailer axle by a drunk driver. The driver hit the tailer so hard it broke the axle and frame from the tailer. Only a small peice of steel and one shock held it remotly in place. The driver of the car had 4 prior d.u.i. charges.


Is street racing dangerous... Yes. I admit I have raced on the street, but in remote and staged locations. Reguardless they need to fix the problems with drunk drivers first. Just my two cents....

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fucking stupid women some times. my g/f did the same thing to me on sunday, she spilled coffee in my brand new car on to the suede seats. I got pissed off about it and she pulled the line "you care more about your stupid car then you care about me" my response, " yes, I do care about my car when its less then 4 months old and has less then 5k miles on it. the seats are suede! coffee stains do not come off suede very easy."


must have set something off because she was outside the next minute steam cleaning the seats trying to get the stain out.


anyways, i agree that the penalty should be stronger, im all for the offenders getting their car crushed in front of them. hell I think the offender should be the one in charge of crushing their own car, IE pull the lever.


Last time I heard you care about your car more than me I said, "Sure do! My car doesnt stop me when I want to get inside it... and it doesnt complain that I'm taking too long when I'm laying underneath it!"

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If this goes to law it, it could be abused. At least if they suspect DUI there is a breathalyzer. This would be just someone's interpretation of what street racing would be at the time.


Even if that person had all but the best intentions, there can be mistakes. I like to accelerate fast away from a light from time to time, okay most times, but I'm not street racing.


This is a really bad idea, and more of the pussification of the country. The "I'd rather feel safe, than be free", attitude will ruin us all.

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Stricter penalties is one thing but impounding the car would be a really bad idea. A kid who has a lot of money poured into a car is unliklely to stop if he's being chased by police. A ten second race would quickly become a high speed chase putting a lot more people on the road in danger. it looks like a quick way for the state to make money to me. If they really cared about reducing street racing they would make tracks more available for racers.
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