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M.O.V.E. against street racing

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i have seen soccer moms go to the store at 3 am to go get formula for there babys!


and i also agree this petition needs reworded. showing that true car enthusiasts, are not supporting illegal street racing, and we need more track time, and more places to go!


i mean how easy is it to go race at norwark? not so easy is it? but how easy is it to go race down broad st? yes i know i have done it myself. but that dont make it right. but what if a slick blows out, or some random part failure happens and the cars goes into someone's house and kills half the people in it?


Not to split hairs here but at 3am, you probably have a chance to of running into a drunk driver leaving the bar... So why put it all on people who race their cars?

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Guest Removed
Things are organized and quiet these days. It doesn't even have to be a track..... All it takes is a two lane, smooth, lighted straightaway, thats privately owned.


Not to split hairs here but at 3am, you probably have a chance to of running into a drunk driver leaving the bar... So why put it all on people who race their cars?


or how about a drunk driven street racer?

this point can be argued 50 different ways. now matter how any one looks at it.


im just trying to get us all together, so we can help change the laws if they so pass, so that way we all dont have to drive a toyota prius!

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What family do you know picks there kids up at 3 or 4am in the morning from work? I get your point but seriously as steve stated there is a bigger risk on 270 and 71 during rush over



People should not have to DECIDE weather they should drive to the store, Pick up there kids because they work a late job or anything else just so a few people can 40 roll.


Plain and simple people got hurt/killed. I would prefer to see more legit places to race. I hate driving way out to NT to make 3 passes. I would love to goto Bolton field and make dig races or even 20 rolls all night long if i wanted.

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The are writing this law so it has teeth. We as performance based car people need to make sure that we set the example. The law does not really bother me I don't street race. I just don't want to get screwed because others want to be outlaws and do their thing.


Keep it on the track and there are no issues.

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Thorne i agree,but what im saying is we as the smart car people know whats right and wrong its some peopl that dont.


I agree with mopar about the privately owned strip or two lane.


Putting money together would be a good idea but we have to meets everyone's needs to find a place to be located at. And "WE" would have to filter out the idiots that set bad examples

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Guest Removed
The are writing this law so it has teeth. We as performance based car people need to make sure that we set the example. The law does not really bother me I don't street race. I just don't want to get screwed because others want to be outlaws and do their thing.


Keep it on the track and there are no issues.


best way this could be put...and i put this up here, to get everyones input, but i did not realize how miss guided the first on one, at this point i need everyone pull on this, so this can get writen correctly, so we all dont get fucked in the long run

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I'm not sure how to take this. If ideas were listed on how the punishment(s) would be harder on the criminals then I could follow it. Telling a government (that a lot dont trust) to look at it and make changes as they see fit.... ummm no. The fines should be higher, and licenses should immediately be suspended. Then after 2 strikes you get street racer plates in a special color and harrassed by cops all the time just like people with party plates. 3rd offense, you lose your car no questions asked and spend at least a month in jail. Apply the same punishment for DUIs and call it a night
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Go look Monica Durban in the face and tell her that! Or McAllister Price, a 2 year little girl that died from a street race gone wrong. go tell her family that.






Street racing was the ONLY cause of that?? Drinking didnt play a role? and or being an idiot and racing with ice on the ground?

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I want to know how many repeat offenders there are in the street racing world? I mean why make the laws even harsher if nobody gets caught? Yet we have people getting up to 4 duis before their car is impounded, that doesnt make sence. I heard that on average a person drives drunk 84 times before they get their 1st dui, and i wonder what the street racing number is. Some of the guys that got busted last year and only recieved speeding tickets, and still sold their cars or quit racing all together, the rules dont need to be any more strict ,they just need to be enforced.
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Guest Removed
Street racing was the ONLY cause of that?? Drinking didnt play a role? and or being an idiot and racing with ice on the ground?


hence my drunked street racer comment earlyer in the thread!



and drinking had nothing to do with McAllister Price!

she was killed in the back of a mini van, when it was struck sitting at a stop sign. bye a car street racing out of control!

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Guest Removed
I want to know how many repeat offenders there are in the street racing world? I mean why make the laws even harsher if nobody gets caught? Yet we have people getting up to 4 duis before their car is impounded, that doesnt make sence. I heard that on average a person drives drunk 84 times before they get their 1st dui, and i wonder what the street racing number is. Some of the guys that got busted last year and only recieved speeding tickets, and still sold their cars or quit racing all together, the rules dont need to be any more strict ,they just need to be enforced.


my cousin steven has been busted 3 time now.....



i have been busted several my self, but let go on lesser charge's.

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I want to know how many repeat offenders there are in the street racing world? I mean why make the laws even harsher if nobody gets caught? Yet we have people getting up to 4 duis before their car is impounded, that doesnt make sence. I heard that on average a person drives drunk 84 times before they get their 1st dui, and i wonder what the street racing number is. Some of the guys that got busted last year and only recieved speeding tickets, and still sold their cars or quit racing all together, the rules dont need to be any more strict ,they just need to be enforced.


i only got one true street racing tickets the other times i was given street racing tickets the cop was either to slow to witness it and jsut handed them out...or just decided hey i am goign to annoy these guys.

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Guest tbutera2112
I heard that on average a person drives drunk 84 times before they get their 1st dui, and i wonder what the street racing number is.


my first time ever street racing i got busted lol...so i just helped dent your average :cool:


i had my license for 19 days before my first street racing ticket...ouch

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Talking and throwing out ideas isn't really going to accomplish anything...a petition is just wasting your time also....but this is just my opinion. I've said it before, laws are all bullshit, they aren't to protect people or for the public's own good, laws are to create revenue and make money. If a traffic law was put in place to protect the people around me I wouldn't have to pay the city for running a stop sign, I should be paying all the people in the area at the time that I put into harms way. Pointing out street racing is illegal and trying to be a do-gooder is fucking annoying.....every single person on here has broken a law at one point or time in their lives, and I'm willing to bet most of them were while driving. Sure the best idea and easiest way is to just go to a track, but if you guys haven't noticed non-car people are trying their hardest to get rid of them because of petty shit like noise complaints. This world is turning into a pussified version of its former self in just about every aspect, not just cars.
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Street racing is dangerous, plain and simple. But I have no problem with people street racing on backwoods roads. The problem is street racing on crowded highways and streets, go ahead and risk your own life, but don't put innocent people at risk.
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what the hell is with the rediculous attempts at justifying street racing??? "well, there are drunk drivers on the roads, so that makes street racing OK", "i see people on cell phones all the time, so that means street racing is OK", ever heard of the old saying "2 wrongs dont make a right"??? yes, all of these things need attention(well, you can only do so much without just adding a cop at every mile marker to moniter everyone), but that doesn't mean that one shouldn't be addressed just because the others havn't been. even if 1 street race ends in a death out of 100, that means that 1 life could have been saved had all 100 of the races occured at an actual safe place(whether it be a drag strip, a public road shut down with the aid of the local PD, whatever).

is it too much to ask for everyone to band together and try to increase the number of legal alternatives(such as the aformentioned privately owned set up) available to us car people??? this is for the good of everyone, regardless of your thoughts on street racing.

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what the hell is with the rediculous attempts at justifying street racing??? "well, there are drunk drivers on the roads, so that makes street racing OK", "i see people on cell phones all the time, so that means street racing is OK", ever heard of the old saying "2 wrongs dont make a right"??? yes, all of these things need attention(well, you can only do so much without just adding a cop at every mile marker to moniter everyone), but that doesn't mean that one shouldn't be addressed just because the others havn't been. even if 1 street race ends in a death out of 100, that means that 1 life could have been saved had all 100 of the races occured at an actual safe place(whether it be a drag strip, a public road shut down with the aid of the local PD, whatever).

is it too much to ask for everyone to band together and try to increase the number of legal alternatives(such as the aformentioned privately owned set up) available to us car people??? this is for the good of everyone, regardless of your thoughts on street racing.


Its not that street racing is okay, its that the time and money should go into more pressing issues.

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The way I see it is if your going to race make sure the freeway is clear atleast 1-2 miles a head of you. So noone but you and whoever your racing. If your racing on the street make sure there's no hidden drive ways or your not racing up hill where you can't see on the other side.


I agree with acouple of you on here that there's people doing over 80mph everyday talking on there phones beatting there kids,no turn signal, swerve in and out of traffic that causes more accidents then street racing does.



Yes I've raced on the street and I know it's wrong and I make sure the road it clear enough to get it done. It's just the thrill of street racing that makes people/me to do it again

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in the 10 years i've been working in the hospital operating on people with traumatic injuries, i've treated two people (the result of one crash) that had injuries as a result of street racing--couple illegals rammed their riced out import into a senior citizen's car on broad street while racing.


i lost track of how many people i've treated as a result of injuries susained while driving drunk, or drunks hitting innocent drivers. there's clearly a bigger picture out there. if the cops want to save more lives, and protect the public in a more effective manner, they should be staked out in the back parking lot of every bar nabbing drunks before they get behind the wheel

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in the 10 years i've been working in the hospital operating on people with traumatic injuries, i've treated two people (the result of one crash) that had injuries as a result of street racing--couple illegals rammed their riced out import into a senior citizen's car on broad street while racing.


i lost track of how many people i've treated as a result of injuries susained while driving drunk, or drunks hitting innocent drivers. there's clearly a bigger picture out there. if the cops want to save more lives, and protect the public in a more effective manner, they should be staked out in the back parking lot of every bar nabbing drunks before they get behind the wheel



The voice reason. This is a case of the punishment does not fit the crime.


Why would you pull over now if you KNOW they are going to take your car?

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