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Chase Mortgage: Lies and Incompetence


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I’d like to say our home-buying process went smoothly. Thanks to Chase, it was nothing but a nightmare, and one that can ONLY be blamed on Chase.


We gave Chase almost 2 months to get our mortgage prepared. The home is a foreclosure, and they knew this from the get-go. We financed it only in my wife’s name due to my rental property and it being easier overall to do it this way – and her income/credit was never an issue anyway, and we were pre-approved by them back in March too.


Everything seemed to be going smooth until the week of our supposed May 22nd closing. My wife sent regular e-mails asking if they needed anything else from us, which was always replied back that they didn’t. On May 19th, we received an e-mail saying that everything is good to go, and they are just waiting on one last document from the title company to give us our final $$ number we would need for closing.


And that is where the lie really started. On May 20th, they started asking for a lot of weird docs that if they wanted them, would have made sense a month or two ago (tax documents and such). Come to find out, the underwriter did not approve the loan, and hadn’t even looked at it yet. Chase had an appraisal done in April, but never had an inspection that they wanted.


They were complaining about paint/carpet THE DAY BEFORE CLOSING. It’s a foreclosure, we know it needs replaced. I sent in scanned proof that I had already bought the customer matching paint for the house, and had contacts for carpet once we gained possession.


Every day was “we should be able to close tomorrow hopefully.” We late figured out this was a way to keep us from asking more out of them, as there was no way they were prepared to close anywhere close to the "next day." Our contract ended on the 26th, and luckily the selling bank extended it. Every day a new document was being asked for (that we provided within minutes), and never once did they ask for something that we couldn’t have provided months ago.


We closed last night (9PM), one week after we were supposed to. We flew family in from Newfoundland to help us move in and prep the place. I took off 5 days to help get this done…100% wasted. We had to sit around the condo a lot waiting on Chase to ask for the next document.


The people there were always available by phone when THEY needed something, but if they didn’t want something from us at that point, they usually wouldn’t answer the phone or return phone calls. Nice. The only reason they closed yesterday (they wanted this Monday) is because my wife pushed them further. She has been nothing but a saint to them…I wish I would have gotten to deal with them, as their experience would have been far less pleasant, and they would have been put up to some very tough questions.


Overall, we almost lost a steal of a house because of Chase. No one there really seemed to know what they were doing. We were lied to on a daily basis (documented lies at that). I don’t suggest anyone EVER use Chase Mortgage for anything. From my research about them this past week, our problem was more common than you might imagine – do some Googling and you will see the horror stories people go through with Chase Mortgage. FYI, I’ve been a Bank One (now Chase) customer since I was a kid, have 2 CC’s and a truck loan with them. My wife works for Chase, has tons of money with them, and this is how they treat and employee…I hate to see how they would treat an off the street customer.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention they didn’t even give us the % rate they originally quoted us, it went up .25% because they gave us a discount they said they were not supposed to give us. Thanks Chase!

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