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This is Justice


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Doesn't surprise me. The freaks in the middle east also have a strong following of kids that welcome blowing themselves up in the name of Allah too.


I applaud the punishment of death to such convictions, but the methods are a bit dated and obviously don't work if this guy went and did the crime anyway.

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Doesn't surprise me. The freaks in the middle east also have a strong following of kids that welcome blowing themselves up in the name of Allah too.


I applaud the punishment of death to such convictions, but the methods are a bit dated and obviously don't work if this guy went and did the crime anyway.



Well to be fair. Alot of those children are coaxed into the idea of it all and when they realize they dont want to do it they are threatened with the deaths of their familys...

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Well to be fair. Alot of those children are coaxed into the idea of it all and when they realize they dont want to do it they are threatened with the deaths of their familys...


I know...I'm not blaming the children, I'm rolling my eyes to a society that actually has adults that do such things. Understandable when the leaders believe in beheading and crucifying though.

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I know...I'm not blaming the children, I'm rolling my eyes to a society that actually has adults that do such things. Understandable when the leaders believe in beheading and crucifying though.


I was raised by an Iranian man who married my Mother when I was almost 2. Extreme Muslim to say the least. Man, I could tell you some horror stories but for some reason I still have compasion.


I feel sorry for him because its the way of their world and its worked for them for a long time. Even if we dont agree we all have a choice.


If I had to choose between lethal injection, electric chair, gas chamber, or beheading I wouldnt care because it would be certain death anyway.


I dont believe one form of execution is any better than the next. I do believe in execution though.


One more thing. Our methods of punishment REALLY dont work. Our return to prison rate is high. We convict a child molester here and he gets 3years and is back out doing the same shit. Cut that POS's dick off and no more molester...harsh yes, but better for the chillren, fo sho...

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I had no idea we had so many pussys on CR. For christs sake, they caught the guy red handed after he raped and sodomized a child then killed his father.


If that was my child, I would of removed his head with my hands.

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I know...I'm not blaming the children, I'm rolling my eyes to a society that actually has adults that do such things. Understandable when the leaders believe in beheading and crucifying though.


So in your eyes, its more "humane" when a murderer is put to death via lethal injection rather than beheading? When a beheading actually takes milliseconds to cut through the spinal cord creating no pain while a lethal injection can take minutes before the person is killed.


Or do you just not want to see the blood associated with a beheading because that would be uncivilized?

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Your argument doesn't make much sense. You advocate a death that seems more cruel, and you do so seemingly because of the crime that the person committed. You then go on to argue that a beheading is not much different than lethal injection. If that's the case, then why change from the system we have now?
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So in your eyes, its more "humane" when a murderer is put to death via lethal injection rather than beheading? When a beheading actually takes milliseconds to cut through the spinal cord creating no pain while a lethal injection can take minutes before the person is killed.


Or do you just not want to see the blood associated with a beheading because that would be uncivilized?


The end in this case doesn't justify the means. That's what differentiates the middle east and our nation in many cases.

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Sorry but i say that the guy got off to easy. Child molesters deserve a much worse fate than a few years in prison or execution. He should have suffered much more. Think of the torture that child was put through. Crucify him first then behead him. Or just crucify him. Make the process last for days on end
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